Last weekend I found myself at a bus station on my way to Thailand. Due to some visa technical difficulties we had to take a quick trip to Thailand to get them renewed.

During our three hour wait at this bus station I met a little Cambodian baby who was no more than 18 months old and completely naked.

Naked baby walked around the bus station with chest high and shoulders back like he ran the place. He would strut right into the circle of my team, start dancing and proceed to dance until someone joined him.

After winning our attention, naked baby brought us some of his prized possessions – pieces of bamboo shavings, used straws, and ripped papers from a magazine. Although these items seemed to us like they belonged in the trash, they were his toys. He carried his treasures around with such pride handing them out to each of us to admire.

Of course I pretended like a used straw was the most extravagant thing I have ever seen! Not because of what it was, but because of this precious child who was giving it to me.

Naked baby taught me a lot about having Kingdom-worthy faith like a child. Jesus told us that the Kingdom belongs to only those with faith like the little children. (Mark 10)

I think having faith like naked baby looks like walking in the confidence of who I am-Abba’s child.

I think it also looks like giving the gifts and abilities I have to my Abba.

My Abba is the almighty creator of all things good. There is no one higher than He is. I also happen to know that He takes the most delight in me. The gifts I hold have no comparison to the Glory of my Abba, yet it is His absolute favorite thing to watch me walk in them.

He created me with these gifts and abilities simply so I can show off to Him. Those times I choose to show off these gifts to my Abba, that’s when I experience Kingdom.

You see, Kingdom is brought anywhere and anytime the King is made known. When I am using my gifts to show off for Abba, that’s where Kingdom is.

Bringing glory is His absolute favorite thing to watch me do. (John 17:10)


Moral of the story – I think I’m gonna try living more like naked baby… minus the naked part.

Did you know Abba takes THE MOST delight in you?

What gifts has Abba given you? How are you bringing Kingdom to Abba with those gifts?