When I first heard about the World Race my friend was fundraising for it and I saw what God was doing in her life through it and I couldn’t imagine anything more incredible than going on this trip; that’s when the seed for going on this trip was planted. I went throughout my junior year thinking about going on this doing some research but never really digging into it until the summer of my senior year. So I gave God kind of a challenge, that if I was truly called on this trip that He would need to speak to me and tell me that I was and you can probably guess what happened…but here is how he spoke to me.
Each year I go to my church’s, Riverstone, camp called onecamp. I had gone there since I was going into 8th grade, immediately I was greeted by hugs introductions and what has turned into lifelong friends or leaders. It became my favorite part of summer because of the perfect mix of crazy fun dances and games but it all somehow ended up with all the focus being on our father. It was the place where I recognized God’s voice for the first time, where I spoke tongues over people, where I prophesied over my friends and people I didn’t know in the prayer room with my hot coffee next to me. As you can tell I had much of my spiritual growth happen there! But back to my challenge for God:
I went into camp so excited and ready for him to move and each day wither I it was in the prayer room in the morning or at the services God was giving me visions and words. On the third day I was in the prayer room gripping my coffee cup (because you literally get NO sleep at camp) and just loving his presence. Suddenly I remembered the vision I got the year before of a map with red dots ALL over it and God telling me that I would be sent. I spent the rest of that day with that in my head, and at prayer before the service I knew that I was getting my answer about the World Race that night. So during worship before the sermon I fell weak from his presence just overcome in his grace and power. I was carried back up to the front for worship after the sermon and immediately I passed out from his presence. All I remember is somehow opening my eyes to see a little girl wearing a dress full of every color, she walked up to me and pulled my face to hers and kissed my head as if anointing me. Suddenly kids came out from all over and the little girl smiled and pulled me into the crowd to dance with them. When we were dancing I heard God speak to me and say, “I have chosen you for this trip and you will be sent”. I just wept and wept so incredibly overcome with joy. I got my answer, I am chosen.
I was so nervous and excited to tell my parents because of the time being away from them but also because of what God was going to use me for. When I got home I sat them down and told them through my tears what God had shown me and that I was called on this trip. My mom cried with me telling me that she was alright and that she loved me and my dad had some tears in his eyes but his excitement and love for me stopped them.
Here I sit a full year from when I found out that I was called to go and only 25 days away from leaving completely in awe of God and HIS plan for my life. His plans are wild but they are also great.