Hello beautiful people! I hope everyone has had a FANTASTIC week! I have been crazy busy these past few weeks so I haven’t been on much, but I thought I would give everyone a quick update. As of today, I have officially reached my first deadline of $5,000!!! What?! So awesome! Job 5:9 “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed and miracles that cannot be counted.” I look back on my journey so far and I have seen God work in so many ways that it leaves me speechless. From laying it on peoples hearts so donate, to blessing me with so many prayer warriors, to even having people reprint my support letters for free. This whole experience has been such a blessing in my life. It has opened my eyes to things in the world I could not see, the hurt, the suffering, the lost and the broken. Everyday I find a new reason to be thankful for this. I have also had many eye opening moments within myself, I have quickly realized how selfish I can be at times. That was a hard realization. You see, I have these pair of shorts that I have had for years, they are in great shape and still fit, nothing wrong with them at all, but I was “tired of looking at them.” The moment I said “I’m SO tired of looking at these!” I immediately realized how horrible I sounded and it hurt me to know I could act that way. Here I am with these shorts, that are in great condition and I’m complaining because I’ve had them for so long when there are people who have nothing. I had never heard such a selfish thing come out of my mouth and immediately realized it, until that moment. I’m the mist of life, we get caught up in things, what we have, what we want, even the people in our life.We often forget how blessed we are and who to give the glory to. This week i encourage everyone to look at one area of your life where you are being selfish (be honest with yourself, I know that can be hard) and just take a second to look at how the Lord has blessed you through it. I hope everyone is HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY and have a blessed week!