Hey there!
I’m glad you stopped by my ‘About Me’ section – here’s a warm welcome to you! As I sit here trying to anticipate what people might want to know about me, I’m at a complete loss for words. Please just bear with me, and of course, feel free to reach out with any additional questions you might have about my story. I want to be open and vulnerable with you as you follow along and join me on this journey.
First and foremost, I am a child of God. It’s who I am. I am His beloved daughter, and He delights in me. There’s nothing I can do to make Him love me more, and there’s nothing I can do that would make Him love me less. This was a foreign concept to me for a long time as I sought perfection and continuously fell short of the standard I set for myself. Y’all, this is big. God loves me so perfectly just how I am, and guess what? HE LOVES YOU TOO. It’s who you are. Whoa … bet you didn’t come to my page expecting to find out about yourself. You’re welcome.
Here are some fun facts about me:
- The Lord showed me my life purpose through Romans 12:10 – this story could be its own blog post. Stay tuned…maybe it will one day.
- I am a recovering people pleaser (still relapse occasionally, but I’m working on it).
- I love the sea.
- My favorite food is pizza, but I’m convinced I’m allergic to it. Another story for a different time.
- 9 times out of 10 if you put music on, I’ll get a dance party started. Even opera music. I’m not ashamed.
I’m a lover of all people and a teller of all stories. While I sometimes struggle to keep my audience captivated in the stories I tell, you better believe I’ll give it my best shot. I believe that everyone has a story to be told, but not everyone knows they have a voice to tell it. This year, I hope to share stories with you about people and experiences that shift what I know to be true about life. God is so good, He’s so big, and I want to use my voice on His behalf, for His glory.
Let’s do this.