…Let’s pick up our story…

We went back to our friend’s tea/bread shop on the appointed day and when we arrived they welcomed us and sat us down and had us have some tea as they set up the things needed. They then took us to the back of the shop (which really is just behind the counter).

The mom Queen Latifa as we have decided to call her (she is sassy, but so loving) asked who was first and speaking in Arabic told us the things—flour, a little yeast, and water. Then she pointed to the pile created and said “mix” and so one of the girls on the team dug in. 

It was a beauty to see the joy and patience that Latifa had for us as we laughed, messed up, and had poor technique. But with grace, and love she continued to show us how it was done. Here are some photos to give a visual:





Soon her daughters who helped work the shop started to also teach us, again it was a “proud mom moment” for Latifa seeing her daughters give away what has been passed down to them from I’m sure so many other generations.

As we kneeded the dough to the perfect consistency, and then learned to properly roll it into individual dough balls, we then put them into the oven and gosh I wish there was a scent button I could put here so that you could smell the delicious bread that was being baked. But alas here are some more photos of the process:






Afterwords they gave us a portion of the bread for us to take. Latifa hugged us and I could see that she was proud to have taught her trade, her tradition, her culture. What a honor it is to have learned from her. And you know what!? Now I can pass on that portion of what she gave me to those around me and to those back home. But, she gave me more than just learning how to make bread. 

She gave her heart, her love, her home. You see she invited us into a part of her life. She shared what she has been doing day in and day out for years with her job, her family, and those in the community. She gave us a seat at her table. And now anytime we pass by the shop or stop in and say hello there is an open invitation for us to join her and her daughters. 

It’s a beautiful example of the Father towards us. When Jesus spoke and said “come and learn from me…” when we do come and learn from Him man so much more is given than what we may expect or think. For you see, He gives away the same thing to us as Latifa did that day for us. He gives away His heart, His joy, His love, His grace, His patients, His admiration, His heritage, His home. He gives us our daily bread that is needed and so much more. 

That’s what I want to be about, I want to give away what I have been given, freely, with warm welcome. Because you, are welcome into my life, into my heart, into my home. 

Gosh, this is the beauty from just one door that was open to us. I still have more to share with our other friends! Again it will be continued in the next post. 

Quick note, I am praying and looking for people to join me in prayer and financial support. I am $2,000 away from being fully funded. Will you please pray into if you should be apart of what God is doing? If so you can donate through this blog, or you can message me via Facebook and we can talk more! Thank you for reading and for being apart of the journey!