Hello everyone!

Just to keep you all updated, I have officially switched from July Route 5 to September Route 1!

Here’s how that happened:

A few weeks ago, I received an email from my mobilizer (that’s the amazing Adventures in Missions staff person who helps with all the fine details of the trip) saying that my original July Route 5 was being canceled, due to not enough people signing up. So that meant that we needed to immediately choose another July route.

Here was the problem, the two countries I was most looking forward to from my original route were Mongolia and China. None of the other July routes had both of those countries. Also, I was secretly hoping there would be a route change taking us through India at some point. “It’s ok,” I thought to myself, “India is its own trip. I will get to go maybe later down the road after the Race.” Little did I know that would come sooner rather than later…

Before anything was officially decided, I had this little thought in the back of my head to just browse the September routes. Within a few days, I decided to switch my timeline to September, pushing back this trip two months. I had so more peace about the timing of leaving in July instead of September, and my family and close friends agreed this was a good change of plans.

In picking a new September route, I also switched to a new group of countries I get to serve in. NOT ONLY does this route include Mongolia and China, but I get to serve in India too! In fact, it is an all-Asia route, taking me through Japan, Nepal and the Philippines, just to name a few. For complete details, click in this link to see the complete list of countries: http://theworldrace.org/?tab=routes&subtab=sept-2015-1

In this change of plans, I am so much more excited for the Race and for all the amazing people I get to meet along the way.

Now, I have only 72 days until I get to meet my squad at Training Camp!