“Keeping My Dream Alive In Every Circumstance I Find Myself In”
These words set the bar high for my life and the path that I walk on.  I walk away from class everyday with phrases like this to chew on and digest.  But it’s not only hearing these things but believing them and letting them become you.  Here are just a few things that I have been challenged on since I have been at G42:

1.Make a decision because of WHO YOU ARE.
2. Every revelation is a invitation from God to have an encounter so that we can be transformed by to be a revelation.
3. If God calls you, he equips you.
4. Have a tolerance for ambiguity.  (don’t have to know it all; tolerate risk)
5. Why do I believe the things I believe.
6. Which actions of discipline can I apply to strengthen my character.
7. Giving thanks for something you don’t have yet.
8. Don’t go home and compromise what God gave/given me.
9. God can use/move the wheel of a moving person way easier then a stationary wheel.
10. I need permission to stay because I have already been sent.

    These sayings have become reality to me in the past months.  Even though they have not played a toll in my life yet that are just of a reality now as they will be in two months when I return home.  I will continue to choose in and find out the meanings they have for my life.
I will leave you with this video that one of my friends made while being here at G42.  I think it has been the best way of putting words to our dreams and trying to make them reality.