My name is Alana Lusted. Yes, it is a full sentence. No, I am not a stripper. I was born in Shreveport, LA and raised in Alpharetta, GA. I am 24 years old and I currently live in the midst of chicken farms and corn fields in Dawsonville, GA. 

I have an awesome family.  My parents are so supportive in everything I’ve wanted to do with my life.  I am the oldest of four, I have three younger brothers.  Growing up we played pretty much every sport and my idea of a Sunday afternoon is watching football or baseball in sweats and eating pizza. I tend to blame my love of sports and video games on growing up with all boys but who knows?!  I also love pedicures, make-up and the occasional dress; but, let’s not get too carried away!

I have grown up in church and I’ve been involved in missions since I was 10 years old.  My first mission trip was to Mexico.  I graduated high school in 2003 and went to the Honor Academy where I was able to work with Teen Mania’s Global Expeditions.  I traveled to Russia that summer and fell more in love with traveling and experiencing different cultures.  I’ve had the opportunity to work with another missions organization in Georgia where the main focus was in Peru.  I feel like Lima is my second home and I’ve been there more times than I can count!  

I go to the best church around, The Life Church in Cumming, Ga,  and I love being involved on the worship team there.  I started playing drums when I was 15 but my whole life I’ve wanted to learn guitar.  About 6 years ago I finally did!  So now I mainly play guitar and sing but every once in awhile I get to have fun hitting things.

In my spare time I like playing guitar/writing songs, I love me some movies…I don’t have cable at my house so it forces me to read, sometimes do art stuff, etc. I may spend some on the computer as well. Going to movies and dinner and hanging out with friends is always fun. As long as I’m with people I love and can have fun with it doesn’t really matter to me what we do….as long as we’re together. (insert “awwwww” here)

I’ve thought about being a part of the World Race for a few years now. The Race website has been one of my “favorites” and there were times when I would go to it every day to see blog updates from current racers. I finally decided that I was tired of seeing other people’s lives being changed while I was sitting at home wishing I was a part of it.  I applied and here I am!  I have no idea what to expect but I know that through this entire experience my life will never be the same.  I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to abandon myself to the Great Commission and see how God works through the team He puts together for the October 2010 Race!