Hey all, sorry I haven’t blogged in a while things have been a little crazy.

After the holiday rush we had three last days of training in Atlanta before we left for the Atlanta airport to go to Japan on January 7th… at 2 am… having only gotten 35 minutes of sleep! I was, none the less, feeling quite jolly and ready to go. This lead to some games of spikeball (as seen below) and settler’s the dice game while waiting in the Atlanta airport until our 6:10 flight to Toronto, Canada. Then we had a 5 hour layover before our almost 13 hours on our flight to Tokyo, Japan.  Our travel was then finished with two bus rides getting us to to our destination (Ishinomaki, Japan) at 7am local time!

So, needless to say, now that it is only 3:40 in the afternoon on the same day I am rather exhausted.  So I will leave you with this song that I feel really embodies my personal prayer for this trip.  Thanks so much everyone!