I don’t normally do this.
Just an hour ago I promised a non-believer that God would do something supernatural. Usually I’m very cautious with my words, especially when dealing with God. I would really like your immediate prayers, because tonight I have faith that God will raise a man from the dead.
I don’t even know how to spell his name, so I’ll just call him Matt. He’s been a regular at the Global Café (the club we’re partnering with) for six years. For six years, the local missionaries have shared God’s love with Matt, and for six years he has outright rejected Christianity. He spends hours every day playing video games in the basement of the café while we do ministry upstairs. He even has his own set of keys. Any time someone tries to share God with him, he shrugs it off and says he doesn’t believe, and even if it is true, he doesn’t care if he goes to hell.
Today, after volunteering at an English Camp ministry, I went to the basement to take a nap. Matt was playing World of Warcraft. I have been able to connect with him these past two weeks because I am a video gamer, and I’m not too bad at Warcraft, myself. 😉 Anyways, I said hey and whatever and went to take a nap. Strangely, as I was dreaming, at some point my dream turned into an epiphany of sort, and I woke up with the inexplicable feeling that it was the right time to talk to him about God. Without praying or even thinking about what I was doing, I called him into the room in a really serious manner, told him to sit down, and started sharing my heart.
I just feel like the timing was right, the situation was right, the conversation was right, and that he desperately needs our prayers. We had a long talk, and he told me that he’s tried religion and church before, and nothing happened. It was at this point when I made the promise. I just have way too much faith in Scripture, and I’ve seen God answer my prayers way too often, to let this slide by. I promised him if he sets his heart on finding God, and really spends time in prayer, God will begin to supernaturally transform his life. I steadfastly believe God reveals Himself to everyone, and that no one can plead innocence on judgment day. I believe God is always stretching out His hand in invitation to pull His children to Him. I believe He’s always pursuing the lost sheep. He’s always knocking. He’s always willing.
As I closed the café for the day and we parted ways, I asked him what he was going to do. He told me that he was going to go home and ponder the meaning of life. You guys, I believe he is going to find it.

I always pray for God to show me ways to love His people. You know, I’ve played Warcraft with him. We’ve played soccer together. We’ve had great conversations. He’s a really cool guy. But I feel like today I really loved him in the best way I can imagine. I totally understand the doubts he shared with me. I totally understand where he comes from. It’s like, I don’t expect him to ever read this blog, but I really want to pray for him. I really want him to know God’s love and sacrifice. This is a big deal. I want to rejoice with all of Heaven when he comes to know Christ. I want nothing more than to add my voice to the multitude of angels who will sing a joyful song when Matt finds the source of all creation and dedicates His life to worshiping Him. I pray for God to excite me for the things that excite Him, and to break my heart for things that break His. This must be it.
Tonight I have faith that mountains will be moved and the dead will be raised. I believe in the power of my God and I just want to pray that Matt really does decide to seek it. You know what would be cool? What if everyone who reads this blog posts a prayer for Matt? What if we lift up this matter as a unified body of Christ and really cover the whole situation with the sweet incense of prayer? I am beyond convinced of the power of prayer. Beyond convinced. If nothing else, wouldn’t it be cool to see, say, twenty people spend some time today to fight the spiritual battle together? To rebuke the enemy’s lies and tear down his strongholds? To just stand side-by-side, with the King shining like a diamond in our midst, committing ourselves to His awesome service, just like David and his mighty men in 1 Chronicles 10?
I’ll pray, and if you want to post your prayer after me, please do so. You can post anonymously.
God, I love you, and I just want to glorify you in all of this. Matt needs you, Father. Show him your beautiful mercy and grace tonight. Soften his heart. Stir his mind. Compel his spirit. Do whatever it is that you do to draw people to you. I’m totally clueless, but I believe if he really seeks you tonight, you will rescue him from the miry clay. Incline your ear and hear our prayers, Father. May they be a sweet aroma to you. I worship and adore you, God. If you wanted to use me today, and if you called me away from the US for 11 months to come to Croatia to meet Matt, and if you used my background in World of Warcraft to open up doors, and if you ordained my footsteps at the Café, and if you set us up together, and if you were in our conversations, and if you inspired me to speak to him today, and if you compelled me to write this unnatural blog, and if you planted the seeds through six years of missionary work, and if you have continually watered and prepared and tilled the soil, and if you are pleased with the prayers now from your children-your friends-your beloved bride… that you hear our plea and work in tandem with our obedience and worshipful service so that our wills can come together in a sweet concurring flow that can change the world one heart at a time. If I open myself up for embarrassment or to looking like a fool, I pray that you give me the strength to continue unabashed and unashamed so I can approach every situation with an unstoppable zeal and with a fire that cannot be quenched. Amen.