Well tomorrow I am off to Guatemala on the first of my three stops around the world. In the past few days I have been given some more info as to what my team and I will be doing. 

We fly out of ATL airport tomorrow at 10am and arrive in Guatemala City at 11:32am (local time). From there we will travel about 45 minutes west to Antigua. In Antigua we will be staying and working at/with Nuevo Generation, the ministry of our contact, Luis Castillo. 

In this ministry we will be doing a variety of things and each day and week could look different.
We will have opportunities to:
-Teach English
-Translate training manuals into English so other short term missionaries can be more effective with their time.
-Working in special needs facilities
-Working in children’s homes
-Teaching sports and etc.
-Possibly some construction as well.
I’m excited for this variety. 

These first 3 months my team will be working along with two other teams. The first a mixed gender group known as Team Living Water and an all girls group known as Team Valiant. All of the people in these teams are awesome and it’s going to be great getting to know them more and work with them. However, working along side other teams in the true formative months of a lot of your team’s processes and etc may pose a challenge. Please be in prayer for that. 

In addition to that prayer request please keep my team in your prayers. Pray that there would be unity, vulnerability, readiness, that we would see God work in ways that we could not imagine, and that we would believe God can do things we can’t imagine. Pray also for the people we will be ministering to, that their hearts would be open and ready for the Gospel. Pray for safety for our teams, that we would not have any issues with that. 

Further more, please pray for our contact! Pray that we would adopt his ministry as our own and invest in it greatly. That it would flourish as we all give the ministry to God’s leading and care. 

Lastly, pray for Guatemala as a country, as my squad and K squad head there to minister to the people. Ask God to do some crazy awesome things! 

After all that, EXPECT big things to happen as my team and I will be. We serve a very big God and the best way to do His work is to give the work up to God and prepare for things you cannot even handle as a group or individual. When that happens, God’s glory will show up because it was impossible without Him, but became possible with Him. 

So Guatemala, here we come. Ready or not, we’re coming!
See you tomorrow.