A few months ago I finished the book, Radical, by David Platt.  I couldn’t help but just fall in love with the book as it went deeper and deeper into the life of the American Christian.  Each chapter making you want to change the way you live your life more and more. The main purpose of the book was for us to become more of a Christian Culture instead of an American Culture.  You see at times we tend to fall in love with this every day cycle of going to work, come home, eat, sleep, and then repeat.  We grab our checks and go on with our day.  Platt opens our eyes to be different than that cycle.  He wants us to start looking at how we are expanding the kingdom.  Are we serving our families like Christ? Are we serving our communities like Christ? Are we serving God’s world like Christ?  You see if we go through the every day cycle and forget why we came to know Jesus in the first place then are we really making a difference.  Think today as you are at work or sitting at home!  “What can I do to make a difference today?” “Who’s life can I change for the Kingdom?” Go love someone today and show them Christ so that you may be able to fulfill the great commission.  When that happens you will see the difference in your family, community, and even the world. I recommend your read Radical as well.  It will truly change the way that you look at life.