Tick-Tock The Seconds Ran Away
One year ago S-Squad left New Delhi, India from our 11 country, 11 month insanity trip for the United States! Sixty-one men and women of God boarded a plane (a BIG one) for home, wherever home was for each of them with only a brief stop in the Frankfurt, Germany airport.

My family, S-Squad!!
If they all stood in a circle to look into each other's eyes, then they would be able to see into every heart of their new massive family and recall every moment of brokenness, laughter, crazy antics with each member within the group. A bond fashioned for a lifetime with the precious hands of Love to guide the Potter in His laborious work to craft some of His most prized pieces ever created.
Ha! A Love so profound, all sixty-one walked through Hell and out again, just to say they could! A Love so pure, all sixty-one hold a piece of my own heart within theirs and I'm sure such a statement stands mutual.
A year.
365 days.
8,760 hours.
525,600 minutes.
31,536,000 seconds.
The time I last saw S-Squad ALL together. The time between I said goodbye to the most beautiful people I have ever met!
The time within the last year where I have seen and learned so much more about my Father, whether in Kansas City, Missouri or Chicago, Illinois! His Love has stayed the constant and I am forever changed by such love!
I have been on top of the Empire State Building and the Willis Tower to behold Faithful Love's creation all around me! I have seen stars through a city haze and children's laughter fight through every depressive phase!

The Willis Tower
A year.
A year since S-Squad last stood together to worship and praise our Father for His goodness and love to see each of us through 11 months of travel in the nations. A year since S-Squad remembered every tooth and nail clawed for to become the men and women of God He always declared us to be!
The sweetness of their laughter, the comfort of their words, the insight they hold into the Kingdom's story rest in my spirit, mind, soul everyday. I will not forget, ever!
With such words spoken, a year to commemorate the first of many returns where all I left behind changed forever. I am still at a loss for words to breathe the true extent of gratitude my heart holds for each member of S-Squad and their love for me.
Now, I must progress and let you know my heart's contentment in the chance to walk the world with all of you, my tribe, but more so my contentment in Papa and His Love for ALL OF US!
A year since I stepped off the plane and awaited the father of World Race alumnus' I didn't know yet. A year since I began a journey in the States to see what God has to offer, and all He offers stands the test of time and always stays ever so sweet!
I digress for my heart runs full with His Love today. I contemplate His mercies and faithfulness to sigh in joy! Thank you sweet Father for ALL you have done!! I Love YOU!
I meant to tell you what cogs turn for me in subsequent months, but I got sidetracked in the memories of the tick-tock, tick-tock, the seconds ran away and I could never be more overjoyed by the Truth; I am okay with the turn in time.
*I will share more in a few days of where the winds blow my sails. Thank you for your time to gaze upon the black-and-white print before you! Also, S-Squad, all over the States and nations, I LOVE you and will NEVER forget you, nor our stories! 😀

Maybe a teaser or very prophetic? haha 😉