my beautiful team leader and storytelling leader, alyssa mcgrail, told us a new prompt this week to blog about.
“write about a morning devotional that has impacted your life”
okay, alyssa. I will.
“if you believed everything Jesus said about you was true, how would your life change?”
-kate goler at 7:25 am
(as in the M O R N I N G!!!)
thanks for racking my brain before I’ve even had breakfast, kate. you rock.
I wouldn’t be defensive because he is my defender.
I wouldn’t look for affirmation because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I wouldn’t rely on my plans because his plans are better.
I wouldn’t be anxious because he cares about my worries and can handle my burdens.
I wouldn’t try to hold onto control because he is in control of my surrendered life (tb to my second blog).
I don’t know about you, but that life sounds far better. so why do I refuse it? why do I push away a life that is PROMISED to me in exchange for a version that doesn’t even compare?
I could go on and on. the truth is his grace, mercy, and love covers everything. why do I find myself not trusting these truths and refusing to surrender my control to him? I find myself anxious, full of worry, and offended far more than how often the Bible says I should be. the hope I have for myself and for others is that we will live out these truths to the best of our human ability and see how he changes us. I know his plans are greater, therefore my own will fall short. we cannot control our lives, but we can trust our lives with the father because he cares and he NEVER fails us.
“trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
proverbs 3:5-6
also update: my hives went away 4 days ago! thank you so much to everyone who prayed. I appreciate y’all so much.