Kari Jobe rocks my world every time she releases new music. Like…heart bursts open, tears flowing, volume-all-the-way-up-in-my-car jam sessions kind of world rocking.

When I heard her song “The Garden” for the first time, I about fell over. The lyrics were more beautiful than I could have expected. So naturally it became a staple on my worship playlist. Months passed and I still sang along to it every time it came on, but it wasn’t as world rocking or thoughtful at that point. It was a good song that meant a lot to me, but I didn’t think so much about it…
Until June of this year.
In June I realized that I had isolated myself from the people I love. In June I realized that I’ve kind of wasted the last year, living far from Christ or his calling on my life. In June I realized that I cannot live without church community. In June I heard “The Garden” and the lyrics had a whole new meaning to me, every word reaching into my soul and stringing my heart out onto my sleeve.

“Faith is rising up like ivy
Reaching for the light
Hope is stirring deep inside me
Making all things right
Love is lifting me from sorrow
Catching every tear
Dispelling every lie and torment
Crushing all my fears”

Kari Jobe made me do a double take at my own life, and now I pray for faith like IVY!

I pray for faith that rises up like ivy, always reaching for the light. Faith that grows in the darkest, dirtiest, most unexpected and unlikely places. Faith that grows across the walls of my heart, rooting itself in the missing pieces and cracks that other people see as brokenness. Faith that grows unrestrained and unstoppable no matter the conditions surrounding it.

“Now I see redemption
Growing in the trees
The death and resurrection
In every single seed”