Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared to live as free as you possibly can.

Don’t be scared to love as deeply as you possibly can.

Don’t be scared to dream as wild as possible.

For you never were meant to stand in the shadows.

Rather you were meant to stand outside of them. 


People will misunderstand you. Judge you. Mistreat you.

They will mock you, persecute you, gossip, and slander.

They will try to suffocate you, silence you, and rebuke you.

But, that is the price you will pay for freedom.


Freedom that you have received is vastly different than what they know.

Walk in it and don’t be timid to use it fully.

For it is freedom that I have set you free.

Therefore walk in that freedom rather than in the facade of it.

For if I truly have set you free you wouldn’t walk in lack or fear.


Walk in authority, in love, in freedom.

Because you have been set apart, chosen for a purpose.

Stop condemning yourself.

Stop believing those lies.

Stop listening to those voices around you that aren’t mine.

No, listen to my voice.


For I am the Good Shepherd, you are my sheep.

The thief comes to kill, but I bring you life.

So why would you hide from me?

Why would you shy away from the authority given to you in my freedom offered?

Walk in it, take heart and stand in awe of it.


Don’t be scared.

Don’t be scared to live as free as you possibly can.

Don’t be scared to love as deeply as you possibly can.

Don’t be scared to dream as wild as possible.

For you were not meant to live shackled to shadows,

No, you were meant to roam free in the gift of freedom.