welcome to my first official blog post. i’m charlie, a small town girl with a big heart for jesus and a humongous calling on my heart! if you wanna really get to know me go check out my About Me! section. I just wanted to write my first post and kinda let yall in behind the scenes of how I got here. how I decided to pursue this passion and future for myself. 

so first, college. is really scary. and when junior year of high school came around it’s all anyone ever asked me about, especially those who had super high expectations and ideas of what my life was “supposed” to look like. and trust me, I was that person too. I had my own plan for life, but let me tell ya. god. he just threw em all out the window. all the questions and expectations sent me into a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts throughout junior year. but, I had heard of world race through one of my favorite people from church (shout out to you Ashley) and when I felt like I was about to explode from all the college talk, I stopped. and considered world race gap year seriously for the first time. 

and guys, yall should’ve seen my mom’s face the first time I talked about it. 

it was a “heck no charlie what are you even thinking” kinda face. the worst kind to get from a parent. but, god consistently challenged me and my heart. and persistently, pursued me and placed this on my life. then, my mom saw the passion and joy even just talking about this opportunity to serve made me. to travel and love on people and share god’s word and light. to finally take the time to rest in god’s word and plans for me instead of the world’s idea of the life i’m supposed to live. so for nine months; that’s what I’m gonna do. 

so we started this journey, my whole family right behind me. and it has not been the easiest journey, and it won’t be smooth sailing the rest of the way either. but man, has it been so fulfilling, following confidently in the plans god has set out for me. i’m so ready for a chapter of learning and growth and would love for everyone to be apart of it.

so stay tuned, subscribe for updates, watch out for fundraising, send love and prayers this way, ask questions, all of the above!

signing off for now, 


PS: if you wanna receive a support letter to get to know a little more about what world race is and how you can help email me or text me! all contact info is on the contact section of my blog!

“come,” he replied, “and you will see.” john 1:39