

(Here’s a photo of me super jazzed about life on a swinging bridge. I looks a lot like my face when I found out I was fully funded)

Eight months ago I felt like Team Leading was the next journey God had for me.

I was overwhelmed knowing I needed to raise $3,000 after already fundraising for the World Race and CGA.

But as I reflected back on how much the Lord has provided, I couldn’t deny His faithfulness.

My heart bursts of gratitude as I think of how God has provided for me in this life of missions. He has used you. Without you all, I would not be where I am today.

Thank you. Thank you for obeying as the Lord has led you to give.

You guys truly are such an important part of this Kingdom work.

I am so grateful for you all.


In other news, many of you may have heard I have Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. I’ve been out of ministry for about a week now, but have been able to use my days at home to spend a TON of time in the Word and have intentional heart conversations with my girls. It is such a joy to be leading the girls on my team and see the growth in their lives. I know without a doubt the Lord hand picked each one of these girls for me to lead.

I am beginning to feel much better and should be back in the normal swing of things by the end of this week. I appreciate all of your prayers!

I only have 6 more weeks on the field with this group. Time is going quick! I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for the rest of our time here!