Hi everyone!! I wanted to post this blog to share with you how the Lord has worked in my life to get me here, and where I will be headed next!!
A few years ago, my church was going to the Dominican Republic but I was to young to go. A few weeks prior to the trip my best friend, who was supposed to be going on the trip, was diagnosed with cancer and was unable to go. My sweet friend made the decision that I should be the one to go in her place, and the rest is history! I went to the Dominican and I fell in love. I loved the place, I loved the people, and I loved that the Lord was using me to do his work.
I have been to the DR seven times and since my first day there, I knew I was called to more.
I began really praying about where I was supposed to be next and around that time is when I found out about Adventures in Missions. When I looked into the Ambassador trips I thought for sure I would go to Guatemala because it is a place I always dreamed of going. As I tried to apply, I had no peace over the decision and I knew if I was going to do a trip, I was going to have to completely surrender to the Lord. One day, listening to the song Oceans the words “Let me walk upon the waters, wherever you would call me” stuck out to me more than ever. A few days later, looking through the trips again, Peru was the only one that seemed to make sense. Filling out an application was no problem at all and I had so much peace over the decision. I spent three weeks in Peru this summer with the best team and I loved every second of it!
John 12:26 says “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
Next September, I will be launching with The World Race Gap Year!!! I will be serving in Swaziland, Thailand, and Nicaragua for nine months! Nine months living out of a backpack with a team of strangers should scare me, but our God is so much bigger than this and He has filled me with so much peace. The excitement outweighs any fears because I know this is exactly where the Lord wants me to be.
Please be praying for me and my team as we get ready for this journey! If you are able to financially support me, I would greatly appreciate that as well!
Thank you so much!
Abby 🙂
(Please bear with me as I am new to this whole blogging thing and I am so excited to share my journey with you!)