Lessons Learned

Month one of the World Race has come and gone, but I’m so grateful for the lessons learned during my time in Panama. To say I’ve only gained insight from these few lessons I’m writing about would be a false statement. I’ve greatly benefited from the multiple relationships and encounters, but these four specific lessons have impacted me the most. To me, these lessons are simple, yet profound, as I’ve had to walk them out and grow in them in this past month.

#1: Laughter, snacks, and kindness are universal.

I quickly learned that despite a language barrier being present, love can still be easily and clearly communicated. Whether it’s through laughing together at how bad you are at Dance Dance Revolution or through sharing your 30 cent bag of Taqueritos chips with your seat buddy on the bus, an exchange of kindness is not dependent on speaking the same tongue. Our hosts never saw this as a roadblock, but instead constantly showered us with hugs, home-cooked meals, and round-the-clock smiles. It’s bizarre to think we never shared a verbal language, yet when we left their home it felt like we were saying goodbye to family. Through their powerful love walk, they also taught me that loving deeply, even if only for a short time, is always worth it.


#2: Intention and action are not synonymous.

Intention is a wonderful thing. It’s an aim towards a goal. It’s a plan to be put into motion. But if that plan is never put into motion, then the intention remains an intention and never comes to fruition as an action. Without action, words become invalid, discipline falls on its face, and dreams are laid to rest. This month, I expected my ideas for growth to simply happen, because I was in a different place with a fresh start. I assumed I had left my “old self” back at home. I soon realized I “brought myself with me” when I came to Panama and my absence of proactivity and intentionality in certain aspects of my life were still very present. Intention gives rise to action, but action out of intention is not automatic.


#3: True freedom is found in discipline.

Before the Race, I lived a life lacking in the regulation of structure. I turned away from self-discipline, thinking it would cause a hindrance or restraint to my personal freedom. This month, I’ve found that true, healthy freedom is found within the boundaries and structure God has set up for us in His Word. God has called us all to consistent self-control and discipline, so that we may live our lives from the freest, fullest state possible. “…but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” – Hebrews 12:20-11 NIV


#4: God’s love is greater than my anxiety.

“If you knew how much I loved you, you wouldn’t have anxiety.” These are the words the Lord laid on my heart as I sat in my hotel room preparing to launch on the World Race. Anxiety has been a staple in my life up to this point, but God has been graciously reminding me that He will always fight for me and if the situation isn’t good, then He’s not finished with it yet.

I came into the Race expecting big things to happen. I still maintain this expectation, but God has shown me that the profound and supernatural will flow from the simple obedience found in my daily life. I’m excited for what’s to come and I’m thankful that my Heavenly Father loves me enough to point out and remind me of the “small things,” so great things can be done through me for His Kingdom.

Thank you to my dedicated friends and family who are faithfully following me on this journey.   I’m incredibly grateful for your continued support and encouragement. 🙂

Your friend and sister in Christ,
