Hi! My name is Michelle Moxley, and I am currently a senior at Liberty High School in  Hillsboro, Oregon. Next year, starting in September 2018, I have to amazing opportunity to participate in World Race’s Gap Year program.

The World Race Gap Year is a unique 9 month Christian mission trip to 4 countries, and 3 continents around the world. I will be going to Guatemala, Thailand, Malaysia, and Swaziland, and serving for a little over 2 months in each country. One remarkable aspect that drew me towards World Race is that it isn’t just a mission trip, it is an intensive discipleship program intended to lead my generation to our specific kingdom calling. Through World Race, my team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children trapped in human trafficking, and bring the restorative hope of the Father’s love to many tribes and nations.

 However, I didn’t make this life changing decision overnight. I went on my very first missions trip to Cambodia in the summer of 2016, and my life was changed forever. During that trip, God placed a passion for missions on my heart, that still continues to grow today. The following summer I had the privilege to go on a second short term mission trip to Poland, and that is where God started moving in me to devote my life to missions. Before that trip, I had all my future plans laid out for myself: my list of colleges I wanted to go to, what I would major in, and what scholarships I would apply for. God asked me simply to trust in Him, and His plans for me. I began to set my own plans aside and trust God, and he led me to World Race. The more I researched the Gap Year program, the more I knew this was what God had planned for me, and I took the step of faith and applied and was soon accepted into the program. 

I invite you to come alongside me on this adventure that God has called me too, as I will be facing many challenges, both spiritually and physically. As I prepare for this journey, one of my greatest challenges will be my financial support. In order to leave fully funded in September 2018, I need to raise $15,800. This money will cover my travel and field expenses completely for all 9 months of my trip. I prayerfully ask you to come alongside me financially as I take this large step of faith for the Lord. Donations made by check must be made payable to Adventures in Missions and my name, Michelle Moxley, must be written in the memo line on the check. It then can be mailed to Adventures in Missions, PO Box 742570, Atlanta, GA 30374. Donations may also be made by credit, debit, or bank transfers on this blog.  If you feel led by God to commit to a monthly donation towards my trip, the form for EFT (Dynapay) can be found at adventures.org/dynapay.


I will be posting updates as I continue to get ready for this trip, so if you are interested in staying up to date with my blog, you can subscribe to receive notifications via email. I would love to answer any questions you might have at 503-858-7911, or [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your support!

Yours in Christ,

Michelle Moxley 

“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalm 96:3