I step up on the bottom rung of the fence and lean, searching the green and gold field spread out before me for specks of black, white, and brown – my goats. None catch my eye, the tall, late summer grass completely obscures them from my vision. So, I call out “Here girls! Here goaty-goats! Come on!” Then in the distance I see a group of brown, white, and black specks coming together. They run to me from some far-off corner of the pasture. They recognize the voice calling them as the voice belonging to the one who feeds and cares for them, so they answer it. They have heard my voice, so they come.


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me”

~Jesus (John 10:27)


Every time I read this verse I can picture it and I smile. Jesus is our Shepherd. We, as His followers, are His sheep. He calls us, we hear, and we run to Him. Just like my goats will answer my call and run across the field to me. Seeing my goats run toward the sound of my voice is one of my favorite sights of the day at home. I’m sure that seeing us turn from whatever we’re doing to run to Him, to answer His call, is an absolutely beautiful sight to Him.

We run to Him knowing that whatever He has for us is good. Whatever He has for us is better than what ever we’re leaving behind by answering His call. When I call my goats they leave behind the grass they’ve been eating to come to me, because they know I can provide them with something better; grain or alfalfa. They come to the sound of my voice because they don’t want to miss out on the good stuff. When we answer to Jesus’s call to believe and put our trust in Him He provides us with the best thing we could ever ask for:


and I give eternal life to them, and they will never parish; and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

~Jesus (John 10:28)


Eternal life is promised to us when we answer Jesus’ initial call to come to Him, but that’s not the end of His callings and promises in our life. He calls us to have a relationship with Him, and as we grow in that relationship we begin to recognize His voice as He calls us to draw closer to Him and do things to grow His Kingdom here on Earth. Whatever He calls us to do will be for our good and draw us closer to Him.


Sometimes answering God’s call is life altering – a year ago He called me to do the World Race. That particular call lead to me leaving home, my family, and everything familiar for 11 months. The prospect was uncomfortable and intimidating. Actually doing the Race has had its hard moments, but I’ve never once regretted answering God’s call and doing it. Every step of the way I’ve experienced immense peace knowing I’m right where I’m supposed to be. This year I’ve grown in my relationship with God and in my world view. I’ve seen things that brought me joy and things that broke my heart. I’ve been able to use my specific talents and interests to help others and to grow the Kingdom of God. I’ve discovered new interests and talents I didn’t know I had. These things I wouldn’t have discovered and grown in if I’d ignored God’s call and stayed home. Yes, answering God’s call has been worth it. His plan for me has been much more fulfilling than my own plans would have been.


Now, the World Race is something big I’ve been called to in this season of life, but often when Jesus calls us to something it doesn’t completely change our life, it just enriches it.

One morning early last month, as I was walking back from the coffee shop I frequented, I caught sight of a dressmaker’s shop. It was open, so I decided to stop in and say hi to the seamstress. (I was rather missing my sewing machine at home, so I just wanted to be in close proximity to one of those delightful objects) It turns out that the seamstress spoke English, so she and I had a brief conversation. She told me where I might find a fabric store in Bangkok and invited me to come back and talk to her any time. I left thinking that she was nice and I might try to visit her a few more times while my team was staying in the area.

Well, 3 mornings later God put it on my heart to go see her.

“Hmm, maybe tomorrow,” I thought.

“No, go see her this morning,” God gently urged.

The thought stayed in my mind for the next half hour, so finally I packed my backpack, put on my shoes, and walked out the door to go visit the seamstress.

I arrived at the shop and my new friend was delighted to see me! She quickly explained that she and her mother were about to leave to fabric shopping. Would I like to come along? Of course!

Thus, God urging me to go visit someone lead to a morning of fabric shopping – one of my very favorite things, but the long term affects of following God’s promptings were even better.

A few days after our fabric shopping trip I received a facebook message from my seamstress friend. She asked if I’d be willing to help her improve her English. I quickly agreed and we decided that I would come to her shop 3 mornings a week. We would just hang out and talk, I’d teach her some new words and correct her grammar and pronunciation as needed.

So that’s just what we did for the next 2 weeks until it was time for me to leave Thailand. I’d visit her and we’d talk. I helped her with her English, and told her about Jesus, why I’m doing what I’m doing. She taught me about Thailand, and attempted to teach me a little Thai (It turns out she’s a much better student than I where languages are concerned!) She was my friend, and helped me to feel ‘at home’ in Thailand. I hope I’m able to see her again one day. Getting to know her blessed me immensely – and it wouldn’t have happened had God not told me to leave my hotel room and go visit her one morning. I’m so glad I listened!