In Mark 10:28 Peter speaks up to Jesus and says: “We have left everything to follow you.” Reading this exact verse two months ago, I knew that the Lord was calling me to be like Peter, but little did I actually know what that meant for my life.

I pretty much had life after college all figured out. I applied for the Peace Corps, with all hopes that I would get in but if that plan failed I was going to move in with some friends, get a flight attendant job, and work my way up to get my own place, or so I thought (Lol).

After many long hours of preparing and stressing over the application process for the Peace Corps, I finally turned it in and was confident that it was all going to work out. I thought that surely after all the hard work I had put into it, that the Lord would make a way but a couple weeks later I received an email telling me I didn’t qualify.

“You’re not qualified.” With about two months of school left on my belt and no concrete plans for my future, those were not the words that I wanted to see. Even after all of my hard work put in, I still didn’t make the cut and it left me feeling inadequate.

But Praise the God above that He uses me even when I’m not qualified and that He knows just what my future holds.

I had only heard about the World Race once or twice before, but I never really thought that could be an option for me. While talking to a good friend of mine about my future plans she mentioned the World Race to me and told me she thought it would be a good fit for me, but hearing the amount of money that had to be raised for it, I completely brushed it off. When I came back that next semester I had all intentions of filling out applications for flight attendant jobs, but God had a different plan for me and man I am so thankful.

 And then things just kept happening, doors kept opening, there were so many signs pointing to me in that direction. Not one, not two, but three of my friends mentioned it to me and how they felt like the Lord was calling me to go on the World Race. This excited me, but also terrified me at the same time. I felt like the Lord was calling me to take the next step and apply, but the selfish and frightened me wanted to ignore this calling and stick to my original backup plan, a good ole flight attendant job.

But instead I applied, I took the next step while slightly dying of fear inside. And I prayed, and prayed, and prayed. And not long after submitting my application, and having my phone interview, I was officially accepted onto the team for the January 2018 World Race route!!!! And did I accept? YES! I did! I was scared out of my mind and wondering how in the world I was going to raise 18 grand, but somehow the Lord gave me the guts to accept.

So why? Why would I say yes to something that seems so impossible? Why would I say no to a normal life? Because I want to be like Peter.

When reading Mark 10:28 I am so amazed at how Peter could boldly state that before Jesus himself and after meditating on this verse for the past few months I realized how badly I wanted that for my life.

As of right now I live a comfortable lifestyle. I go to school, spend time with my friends, and watch Netflix on the daily. But aren’t we called to do more than that? Aren’t we called to follow the one who gave it all for us? To give up our lives so we can truly find it in Him?

I’m tired of the regular routine, I’m tired of putting things in my life before the one who deserves every part of my being, and I’m tired of making excuses for myself. He deserves so much more than that! So here I am, giving Him every part of my life and trusting that He knows what He’s doing.

Am I scared? Yes, I’m terrified! Do I have my doubts? Most certainly!! But I know that He holds my future and if my God wants me to travel to 11 different countries in 11 months to share the good news of our Lord and Savior, then so be it, I’m on my way!

So how can you help? First and foremost please be in prayer for my teammates and I as we prepare for this next big step in our lives! Secondly, if you feel so led to do so I would greatly appreciate any donations towards this trip. If you do, Click “Donate” at the top! If not… that’s certainly okay! I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Lastly, follow this blog and stay tuned for more updates!

Where I’ll be traveling:

Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, China, Mongolia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda.

Lots of Love!