Healing, Sketchy Night Walk, Circled in Prayer


“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, “ I USED EVERYTHING YOU GAVE ME.” -Emma Bombeck

May 1st 2017, Livingstone, Zambia, Africa


I want the LORD to move, to work miracles in the places we go, for chains to be broken, people to know Jesus, and our God to bring revival in the lives, the homes, the communities we’re in.  

Today we were scheduled to go to a village nearby and to  do a VBS for the kids their, planned changed according to God’s purpose and we were sent to the streets for evangelism and wherever the LORD would direct us.

I prayed and God told me to go to the hospital, so my friend and I went. We spend 15-20 minutes talking to visitors outside, praying for them. Then as we walked to get out of the grounds area, I saw a guy who smelled of cigarettes, he looked drunk, his clothes were all falling apart, we asked him his name and asked him who he was visiting. He mumbled some things I couldn’t understand or hear, and he told us to follow him, and starting walking to go into the hospital. I wasn’t sure what was happening or if we were allowed past the locked doors, but we got through and he lead us to his father who hurt his leg when a house fell on it and crushed it. This gave us access to actually being in the hospital, able to pray for the patients who were all lined up on their cotton beds. Just a unique leading, and a tremendous door that God had opened for me and my friend for that 1  1/2 hour period.  We prayed for everyone in their, we showed them the love and care of Jesus, it was truly beautiful. God tells us to heal the sick ( Matthew 10). So that was beautiful!

10:20 pm  Sketchy Walk Home, God’s Protection!

We also went to a  worship/ gathering of our entire squad was , and it was about a 45+ minute walk home, or get a taxi from that gathering. Walking home at night on the streets is sketchy and so is getting into a taxi, since everyone wants to hit on you. So the two guys from our squad got in a taxi to go to their hostal, while we figured since we were decently close to just walk the rest of the way home (another 25 minutes, in the dark/ street lights with 5 white american girls). But we weren’t scared at all, we were all just praying for   God’s protection and proclaiming  His Word out loud as we walked. So we came to the hospital, a short cut home, and we started hearing footsteps behind, a man was following us. I was declaring God’s truth out loud and knew God was keeping us safe. “ The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him and delivers them (Psalm 34:7). It’s truth and it’s real that God is always protecting us from all harm, God is always going before us, behind us, surrounding us with protection through His angel armies. And the man behind us was walking faster, but then a truck pulls up, and stops in front of us. Two sketchy situations, however the man in the truck, we call him our Angel Michael, he stopped and asked if we knew the guy who was walking behind us. We said no, and Michael told us to have the guy walked in front of us, the homeless man behind us, passed us and walked a little further than tried to hide in some vegetation just 50 yards ahead. Michael told us it wasn’t safe for us to be walking and that, that man behind us was going to attack  us. It’s real, he then offered us a ride home.

Here’s the thing you got to know… God loves us and God protects us in all ways at all times. You see the hospital parking lot is closed at the end, which we were going to walk through, vehicles can’t pass through but there’s an opening for those who are walking on foot. So God put Michael in his vehicle at just the right time that he would see us walking, God used Michael to drive into the parking lot that was closed, to be their to keep us safe from being  possibly attacked by this man. He gave us a ride home and we were able to pray for him. Talk about the goodness of our Father, that His eyes goes throughout all the earth, that He loves us, He watches over us, He protects us, He is always with us, and uses people to help us in our time of need. God used the man, our Angel Michael to keep us safe as we walked home. God is good all the time, and all the time God is Good!

CIRCLED IN PRAYER:  Please pray for me… “the prayer of a righteous person in powerful and effective”

God has been speaking and revealing a lot of things to me in the last month and everyday He is telling me to trust His faithfulness. God gave me an image a couple of weeks ago of an open door with light shinning through, God has already opened this door for me, I’m trusting Him with everything.

I will be arriving home on June 30th 2017,  at night in the states. That is my 20th birthday, what a gift:) and God has spoken over the summer a time for me to truly out pour into my family who doesn’t know Jesus ( they’re all going to know Him!) and discipleship.

God has told me that I won’t be going to college or anything, which I already knew, however that I’d be getting a job in ministry, I don’t know what, but the LORD our God is good and everything He does is good! God has been teaching me that, we can’t and we shouldn’t settle in life for just a small opportunity and a basic relationship with Christ. But to be specific, like really specific in prayer about what we want, and truly give God the opportunity to do huge things in our lives, and communities, because He wants to and He has the power to! Think bigger, because our God can and always does the impossibles! ” with men it is impossible but not with God, for with God all things are possible”- Mark 10:27 

I’m praying that God will supernaturally provide me with a car when I get home, I believe it! For God to supernaturally provide a house to live where I’m able to disciple those living in my house, and be poured into. Believe and have faith in our God!

So these things in my life, I have full confidence that God is going to do, He is always moving, and He is my provider. My life is only for Jesus, I’ll go where He has called me and I will do everything He commands and asks of me. I had a dream a few nights ago ( I rarely ever dream and I’ve been praying that God will give me dreams and speak to me)

So I had a lot of dreams that night, and I was speaking to someone in my dream and in a clear voice He said,” trust me and my faithfulness.” immediately I swung my arm in my sleep, knocking over my water bottle and I woke up… immediately after waking up He gave me a city in WA, ( I had been praying about this place, whether I’d move their after the summer, I don’t know, based on what God has spoken in my life) .  I said, “God did you just speak to me?”. This was about 3 am , then I told the LORD to let me remember that if it was of Him, when I woke up, He reminded me of this. This place makes a lot of sense for what God has spoken to me over the last 10 months, however as for ministry there, I have no idea, yet. But the more I think about it, maybe God will use me to start a specific ministry of evangelism. I’m listening for His voice.

So these things I have circled in prayer, please pray for me as well. I strongly encourage you to get a piece of paper, draw a large circle and specifically ask God for those things. Pray over them whenever you can, at the very least, everyday, and watch as God pours out His faithfulness.  God tells us to ask him, to seek him, to knock and the door will be opened. God tells us we don’t have because we don’t ask. I believe God will make his plan, his way, his provision in all of this! Jehovah-Jireh, El Shaddai, He is everything we ever need, with Him we truly lack nothing!


I love you all! Remember me in prayer! Thank you