10, 9… Looking back to past New Year’s Eve celebrations, it is interesting to see where I was, and to remember some of the insane dreams I had, the plans I would make for the coming year, or the uncertainties that have always been present in my life. Everything seems to have passed by in the blink of an eye.

8, 7… It was the coldest New Year’s Eve. We welcomed 2014 in Alaska. It was the beginning of my farewell to the U.S., I knew how difficult the next few months would be, packing 7 years of life in Michigan, and returning Home without a home. I was uncertain of what I would encounter with my return to Brasil. This was a year where God helped me turn frustration into action. He taught me that I am definitely not in control. And he showed me mercy through people that went above and beyond to make sure this new chapter would be easier.

Alaska 2014

6, 5… Holy crap, 2015 is here. And as I stand in a Rooftop in Orlando celebrating, I also cannot stop myself for looking at 2014 and be amazed by what I did. I started from zero, and it was ok. Hard at times, but I learned a lot. In that Rooftop I stood with some of my most dear friends, people that had cared for me in 2014 from close and from afar. Even though I was starting a new year with no plans whatsoever, I had the certainty that whatever came in 2015, I could handle it.

Orlando 2015

4, 3… There I was, 2016, on a plane arriving in Cairo. Ringing the new year in a plane is not as bad as it seems…and I did not care, for I was about to enter one of the greatest 20 days of my life. I highly recommend exploring Egypt, by the way. It had been nearly two years after being back in Brasil. I was loving my job and was thankful for the chance to work with outstanding teenagers. I was enjoying new friendships and cherishing time with family. Most things seemed in place, but if I am being honest, 2016 was also difficult. And, despite all the mess that was happening globally and nationally, I was also missing something…

Cairo 2016

2, 1Happy New Year! As I enter 2017 I will keep my eyes on the main goal, prepare for the World Race.

My insane dream is that, come October 2017, I will be able to impact lives by serving 11 communities around 11 countries in the world. My plan for this coming year is to close this chapter in Brasil with style, and to prepare myself for this journey. Uncertainty is once again in my mind: Will I be able to raise the support I need? No matter. Just like in 2014, I will do my best and hope to be amazed.

If you would like to know more about this next adventure or how you can be praying for me, you can subscribe to this blog and get updates on how my year is unraveling. If you have further questions and would like to chat, let me know. And if you are able and would like to also support me financially you can do so through this page.

*** Se você mora no Brasil e está interessado em me ajudar financeiramente e tem dúvidas da melhor forma de como fazer isso, por favor, entre em contato comigo. Pessoas estão doando de diversas formas e ficarei feliz de conversar e achar o jeito mais fácil para você.