Here’s how it works!

First, pick a country. Each tag has a hand painted landscape from that country along with facts and prayer requests! I will be updating this post with the countries that have been adopted.  Contact me either through social media or a text when you have picked a country!

Second, donate $10 through this blog or give it to me when you receive the jar!

Third, place the jar at home, at work, or anywhere else you want! Fill it with change, notes, verses and quotes that I will read when I’m in that country. Also, please pray! Pray for the country. Pray for the hearts of the people to be open to the gospel. Pray for our ministry contacts. Pray that my team and I will be able to serve the country well. Pray for God to work through us. There is so much power in prayer!

Lastly, return the jar to me after about a month so it can be adopted again!

Wow. I’m amazed in just 3 hours…

ALL COUNTRIES HAVE BEEN ADOPTED!!  Thank you to everyone who helped out!  

In mid August all countries will be available again to adopt! 


Below are the countries to choose from.

Mozambique (adopted)

Swaziland (adopted)

Madagascar (adopted)

Mongolia (adopted)

China (adopted)

Bangladesh (adopted)

India (adopted)

Nepal (adopted)

Costa Rica (adopted)

Nicaragua (adopted)

El Salvador (adopted) 


Thank you to everyone who adopted a jar! Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog by clicking the orange button below that says, “Subscribe for updates”.