And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28


This is one of my all time favorite Bible verses. How encouraging is it to know that ALL things will work out for good, when you love God and follow his plan for your life ? 

Hi, my name is Christa Diaz and welcome to my blog! 

I am excited to announce that I will be joining The World Race in January 2017 ! I’ve been to a few missions trips before but nothing to this degree. I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do through this new adventure!

Let me start off by saying, I am not that great at introductions. I always feel super awkward when I have to talk about myself. I searched through several other “About Me,” pages to try and gain some inspiration on how to start. I even checked out some of the blogging tutorials on the website. Then, I was overwhelmed and got a mental block. “What do I say? What do people really want to know about me?

I realized the key to blogging is to just be yourself.  Your real, authentic, human self which for me can be invigorating yet frightening all at the same time. My hope is that after reading this post, you will have a snapshot of who I am, and most importantly who God created me to be. 

I started brainstorming some things that might be of interest to you all ( hopefully).

Here is what I got so far:

I am from Long Branch, New Jersey. I am a shore girl at heart and love spending my summers at the beach. I confess, I am little bit of a sun worshipper. 

My family is everything to me. 

I have some of the most coolest, outgoing, HILARIOUS, supportive and loyal friends any person could ask for ! 

As I mentioned in my intro, I’ve been on a few other missions trips. I’ve gone to Mexico, Venezuela, Israel and Hungary. To be honest, I think everyone should take a trip to Israel. You’ll be blown away by its culture, history and landscape.

I graduated from Kean University with the intent of being a High School History Teacher, but realized that was not what I really wanted to do. 

I am a foodie ! I am not a picky eater at all. If it looks good, smells good and you ask me to try it, I’m eating it.

I enjoy writing, reading, dancing and listening to music. I like all kinds of music, except for heavy metal; it hurts my ears.

Some things on my bucket list are to learn how to surf, go skydiving, ride in a hot air balloon, and visit the Great Wall of China ( which might happen during this trip)! 

Most importantly, I love Jesus! I know, it sounds weird and almost juvenile to say but it’s the truth; He saved my life. The whole reason why I am going on The World Race is because of Him. Jesus loved the people that others loved to hate. He walked and talked with the lame, the lepers, the poor, the prostitutes, and sinners. He didn’t shy away from the outcasts but invited them into Himself, to talk with them and share a meal with them. No judgement, just love. I want to imitate Christ in this way. I want to share with others the joy and the hope we can have in Him. I want others to know His unconditional love. What better way to do it than by serving others abroad?

It amazes me how the God of the universe  wants a relationship with us. Seriously blows me away!

I am certain that this is part of God’s plan for my life. I want to encourage you all by telling you that He has a plan for your life as well. He loves you. Yes, you read that write. HE LOVES YOU! 

For some of you who may be reading this,  I invite you to find out more about this “Jesus  character ” if you don’t know Him yet. You are welcome to subscribe to my page and follow my journey, from now until I get back from the field. My prayer is that God will use these blogs not only to update you on my journey, but that He will make himself so real to you as I venture out into the unknown to serve the “least of these.” This is my heart. 


Please subscribe and stay updated with this new adventure ! More blogs will be posted soon.


