Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all a little bit about myself. Let’s start with some random facts:

– I live in Kentucky now, but I grew up in Indiana. (I may live in the bluegrass, but I still bleed red.)

– I grew up just outside the town of Santa Claus. (Yes it is a real place, and yes it is like Christmas all the time.)

– I just graduated from Asbury University and I absolutely loved every moment of my education there! I majored in Media Communications with an emphasis in audio production and a minor in Youth Ministry.

– Gymnastics, volleyball, and basketball are my favorite sports.

– I LOVE music! Running sound is my jam! Country music is my favorite, but I may or may not also love to bust out a rap every so often.

– I write spoken word and other poetry, and I love reading and listening to poetry as well.

– Fresh fruit, chocolate, and popcorn are my favorite foods.

– I love exercise (especially weight lifting and yoga).

– I have a knack for encouraging others.

– I have an adventurous soul, but I can be a homebody as well. Sometimes I need a little encouragement to get going, but once I decide I’m doing something, I’m all in and I won’t let fear hold me back.

– I cannot swim or ride a bike. (Things I hope to fix before the race. Anyone willing to teach?) 

– Laughing is my absolute favorite, and I quite often go weak in the knees when I laugh. (Fair warning to my teammates, if we are walking and I start laughing, I will stop in my tracks!)

– Comedies are hands down my favorite movie genre.

– I think teenagers are pretty dang cool, and I love investing in their lives.


On a more serious note, I am still incredibly in awe that the Lord has given me this opportunity. I want to explore the Lord’s creation. I have a longing in my soul to love people and extend the Lord’s mercy and grace toward others. I have eyes that see those on the margins of society, those who are outcast, and those that are often overlooked by others, and an aching in my soul to show love to them. Simply put, I love those whom society deems unlovable. Although I know it will not always be easy, I cannot wait to show His love to people around the world!