Wondering how you can help a out in a different and unique way that isn’t just the normal “Hey, please donate?” This blog is for you.


Before anything else, prayer is the most powerful thing I have come to know since being on this journey. I have been in the midst of thinking about and praying for ten specific people I would like to have on my prayer team before I leave in September, individuals who I know will be praying for my team, squad, and journey across the world. If you would like to join me in prayer, you may do so at any time, the invitation is always open because I believe wholly in the fullness and power of our prayers.

Currently, I am praying for financial breakthroughs for those on my Squad, as well as myself, who are still struggling to make it to the next financial goal of $10,000 on August 21st. I am praying for trust, provision, and faith in all of it. Please pray for these things alongside me! An army is a LOT bigger than one person, so join in!! :]



Yes, there is the normal “Please click ‘support me’ at the top of my blog page” spiel that I’ve given at the end of many of my blogs, and yes, that is very much an option! If you feel lead, please please donate any amount you feel the spirit leading you to give… But! There are other ways you can help me out or give as well!!

Our Squad Mentor gave us a list of books to read while we are gone or to read even before we leave, there is also one book on my list that I was recommended at Training Camp.

I have created an Amazon Wishlist (link at the bottom of this blog) of the books that stood out to me in our mentor’s list. These books are simply for Spiritual Growth. I am hungry for more of God, and many of these books will help me feed that hunger and help me keep processing the things I’ve taken with me from Training Camp.

There are also a couple different items on the list that are not books. One is pricier, but something I really wish I had had at Training Camp. The second is very small, but necessary to avoid electronic pickpocketing in cities and dangerous areas. If you are able to give toward any of the items on my list, that would be AMAZING. Please email me ([email protected]) if you need an address to send to.

I also have a GoFundMe that’s been pretty stagnant lately. The link to there will be posted at the bottom of this blog as well.

But! Please pray before giving or donating anything, let God move you and really let Him prompt you as to what He would like you to help out with. Whether that is in my spiritual walk, financially, or comfort-wise, any way is really important and is such a humbling experience.


Write Letters (FREE!!)

I really love letters. Especially encouraging ones. If you are prompted to encourage, 11 letters, one for each month on my Race, would mean so much to me. Alum Racers I got to speak with at Training Camp said those were huge for them in the encouragement department, as well as helping them make it through when things got tough on the field or with teams. I know there will be moments out there when I need a taste of home, ENC, etc… It would be a huge gift to open a few letters each month from friends / loved ones. You can pick a day, and I will stick with it!

Let me know if you feel prompted to encourage in this way and I will get you my home address (where I will be before launch for a week!).



Subscribe!! (FREE)

Subscribing is a FREE way to journey alongside me. It makes my heart burst inside to know that there are people out there who really care about what I’m writing and sharing. Please subscribe if you are interested in supporting and following along in my journey.




Amazon WishList: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/36OGD4T0AF9XN/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go_o?

GoFundMe: http://www.gofundme.com/mgs5qo



I am pumped to see how God will stir you to give and Journey alongside me. I am praying specifically for all of my supporters thus far, and even the ones who have yet to give, but would like to.

It has truly been a blessing to see how far God has brought things into being since stepping out in Faith last December. I’m excited to see where these next few weeks will go, as I trust in His word and rest in His promises to Send Me. I can’t do this alone, though. Join me in this trust, abandonment, and surrender.

All my Love,
