First day in Beijing and saw this cute girl at our hostile playing with her toy.



Little brother and sister bringing out the smiles in each other, brings so much joy in my heart.









   Went exploring in Harbin one day and got to see the beautiful St. Sophia Cathedral.






Waling through our ministry area and counting apartment complexes.









 Alot of interesting things are sold on the streets here including birds, turtles, fish, clothes and various types of food.







Looking out into the city of Harbin after a long travel time to get here. The view from our 28th floor apartment is beautiful of the city.








  This is our favorite place and we got to do ministry here (future blog about it to come).








Lots of construction fills the streets here in Harbin and even though its for improvement we often times have to walk on the rubble.






Walking and exploring the streets makes me happy 🙂


Even though its cloudy the architecture here is beautiful, this small town girl exploring a big city.