Hey friends!

     I want to share an exciting opportunity with you and give you a chance to be a part of what God is doing!

     In less than three months, I’ll be graduating from Columbia International University with a degree in Youth Ministry. I’ve had a heart for youth since my first summer working at Camp La Vida in 2008, and through my six years at camp and my time at CIU, God has grown and developed my passion in many ways; so many that, until just recently, I had no idea what exactly his plan for my life would include.

     This past January I got to go on a mission trip to Costa Rica with a group of youth ministry students from CIU. That experience opened my eyes to the world in unbelievable ways, and by the end of it I knew that God was calling me to international missions in some way, for some amount of time. Very soon after that, He pointed me to my first step: The World Race!

     What is that, you ask? An organization called Adventures in Missions designed this program for young adults to go to 11 countries in 11 months, serving in different ways, learning about new cultures and ministry possibilities, and developing a heart for the lost. Not only will I have the chance to touch many lives with the love of Christ, I’ll also grow in my faith and learn more of God’s purpose for my life and in what way he wants me to serve him in the future.

     I am beyond excited about this trip, and I want to invite you to join with me in this ministry! Most importantly, I’ll need as many people as possible to cover me in prayer as I prepare to go and while I’m on the field. I’ll be posting updates to lindaswier.theworldrace.org from now until I leave, and all throughout my trip, so that you can see specific prayer requests and how God is answering them!

     I’ll also need to raise $16,285 to go on this trip. This covers all of my food, lodging, transportation, medical insurance, and administrative costs(visit my blog for an exact breakdown of where all the money goes to). As scary as it is to think about raising that much money, I have such an overwhelming peace that God will provide for me to go, and I hope that many of you will help me get there! However you feel led, whether it’s $5 or $10 or $500, God will use whatever amount you can give. 16,000 people giving one dollar is the same as 16 people giving a thousand!

     You can give a one-time donation, or you can sign up to be a monthly sponsor. If you choose to sponsor me, you’ll select the dates to start and end your donations, so it can be for any number of months that you choose. You may not feel like you’re giving much, but these can add up to go a long way; for instance, if 68 people sponsor me for $20 a month for 12 months, I’ll be fully funded!

     I’m so thankful for this chance to take God’s love to the nations, and I pray that God blesses you for any way that He leads you to support me. Please prayerfully consider partnering with me financially, and be in continued prayers for me as I set out on this journey!