I have to admit, paying the fifty dollars to switch my flight did hurt my soul a little bit, especially after being filled with a renewed faith and zeal for fundraising. I mean, this was the plane ride back from Training Camp. It just seemed wrong to pay for a convenience like an earlier flight.


But I paid the money and changed flights. It just seemed right.


As I sat at gate D32, chatting with Derek, my team leader, I heard it. The little whisper that had become all too familiar at camp–the still small voice of the Holy Spirit leading me and guiding me to live a life different than the norm.


God was affirming my decision to switch flights by telling me that there would be someone on my new flight who would support what God is calling me to.


When I got on the plane, I was giddy with excitement to see with whom this divine appointment would be. Granted, the seat was right across from the bathroom, all the way in the back, and beside the turbine, so it was less than desirable, but knowing that God had ordained them made the seats the best freaking seats on the plane.


And then, the sweetest woman sat next to me.


Her name was Hilda (aka Sister “Church”), and she was a powerful woman of God.


At first, I was busy blogging on my tablet. I had my earphones in, and some calm music playing to block out the turbines (and the screaming children on the row in front of us), and I was in the blog zone. But once I finished my blog and descended back into reality, I remembered that this woman next to me was a God appointment. I sat there for only a few more minutes listening to my music before I made the conscious decision to take out my earphones—which were keeping me from experiencing the discomfort of screaming babies, roaring turbines, and flushing toilets—and started the conversation.


In the name of brevity, I will try and spare you all the copious details, however I’ll hit the highlights.


Hilda is from Kentucky, where she currently serves as a minster. She is gifted by the Spirit with prophetic visions and dreams. Previously in her life, the Lord gave her a dream that she understood to mean that she would have to drive from Kentucky to Detroit every Sunday in order to aid in the growth of a church far from her home. She faithfully made this drive for fifteen years, at which point she was given another vision of a church in Kentucky of which she was supposed to become a part (this is now her home church). She also had a vision from the Lord to trust Him and retire when her time came, and though she didn’t want to give up her job, she faithfully submitted. And in His typical way of both laughing at us and rewarding us for our faith, four days after she retired, Hilda received a much better offer than her previous arrangement, and prayerfully decided the Lord was calling her back to the same exact job she’d previously held, but was rewarding her faithful submission.


Hilda took my information down, and has promised to email me, and share my story with her Pastor. Because here is the kicker: Due to a mistake at the airport, she was unable to be on her earlier flight out of Atlanta, and had been delayed to the same one as me. The seat right next to me, in fact.


Needless to say, Hilda and I laughed at ourselves, and with God at the awe-inspiring intelligence with which he executes His perfect plan.


Church family: Where is God leading you today? Will you follow? Will you meet your Hilda?