My heart is overwhelmed.

My mind is floundering at the thought of the exuberant response that has been given by the people in my life towards this trip.  

Coming into this experience, I knew that I would have to raise support, and I knew it would probably be hard.  I knew that I would have to work my butt off in co-laboring with the Lord for fundraising.  I knew, however, that it would pay off in the end, and that He would provide.  I knew all of those things.  What I didn't know was how my heart would be pierced by each person's generosity.  I am completely undone.  

I had a couple who have been amazing mentors in my life hand me a $1,000 check for my trip today in church.  After starring at the check for a good two minutes and picking my jaw up off of the floor, I had tears in my eyes.  Is this real?  $1,000 is a crazy amount of money to this girl who has been working paycheck to paycheck with jobs since I started ministry school.  I held it in my hand and felt outrageously loved and supported.  I really don't even have words for the feeling.  Then tonight I had friends of mine tell me that they wanted to support me monthly for $100! Whaaat??! That is such a huge commitment! Don't get me wrong; I knew I was going to raise support.  However, knowing you are going to have to raise support and then actually having people invest in you and your dreams are two very different things.  

These people love me.  

These people truly want to partner with me in my dreams.  

It is truly amazing.  God has placed so many people in my life that I love dearly and who love me back just the same.  I know that this is just the beginning of feeling overwhelmingly loved and supported as I walk through this crazy thing called The World Race.  My heart is truly bursting at the seams.  I am a wreck.  I am completely undone by the love and the generosity of the people around me.  Little did I know this crazy journey would start long before I ever launch.  Thank you so much to all of my supporters! You have no idea the impact you are having on my heart, my dreams, and my life.  I cannot wait to be your representative to the nations! I love you all so much and am so excited to share the spoils of this incredibly journey with you!