11 Things you didn’t know about China:


1. Always bring your own toilet paper and napkins. That’s right. Don’t expect there to be napkins on any table or toilet paper anywhere you go. You snooze ya lose. Oh, and all TP goes in the little trash can beside the squatty potty, never in the hole.

2. The Chinese eat ramen noodles. Of all the food we ate, the bowls of ramen that even covers the shelves in the supermarket has got to be the most authentic Chinese food you’ll find. So next time you get a pack of 12 for $1 at the Dollar Store, be reminded of that authenticity. It’s real people.

3. They don’t hate Americans. In fact, it’s completely the opposite! Everywhere we went we were stared at, talked to (all in Chinese of course, the language barrier meaning absolutely nothing to them), and eagerly asked if people could take pictures with us (or just take it without asking). It’s like we were celebrities!!

4. Making friends is easy. It’s crazy to think that every Chinese student has studied English since grammar school and is fascinated with American culture. Yet, at the age of 20-something we were easily some of the first Americans they had ever met. And they were SO excited and nervous to meet us. But it always made for amazing conversations and blossoming friendships.

5. Pedestrians do not have the right of way. I repeat: Cars do not stop for you. You stop for them. And crosswalks are completely ignored. It’s every man for himself if you’re trying to cross the street. In other words: Human Frogger. Ready, set, run, stop, go, zig-zag, scream, get honked at, mission successful.

6. You don’t have to be a 007 missionary. Going into China we all thought our intentions would have to be really hush-hush and beat around the bush with bringing up the topic of God. But with where we were at, that was not the case at all! We could tell people why we were here, what we were doing, and eagerly jump into a conversation about God without second thought. It was a blessing, really.

7. Every meat is mystery meat. You may think you’re ordering chicken, pork, or beef. But the reality is you never know what you’re going to get. Bones, cartilage, stomach, embryo, and the “that is definitely NOT chicken” meat. (BTW, I’m still a vegetarian. I speak on behalf of my Squad mates)

8. The 1… or 2 child policy. You may be aware of the law that Chinese citizens are only allowed to have one child. That policy was recently lifted within the past few months. So now, if 2 single-child people get married, together they’re allowed to have 2 children. But any more than that and you are required to pay for every one more child.

9. Following your dreams isn’t easy. While we have more freedom in the US to “follow your dreams”, “do what makes you happy”, and pick and choose your career, that’s not the case in China. Students have an enormous amount of pressure from society and their family to basically do what will make them the most money, whether they like it or not. Parents have an incredible amount of influence in their child’s decision (more like, the parents choose for them) on where to go to school and what career to have. The “American Dream” is just that for them… a dream.

10. Cartoons. Okay so this may not come as such a shocker, but it’s true that Chinese people are obsessed with Hello Kitty, Mickey/Minney Mouse (score!) and Whinnie the Pooh. Their faces were EVERYWHERE.

11. China does not look like Mulan. I went into this month expecting all the women to walk around looking like Mulan and have all the buildings look all cool and Asian and ancient (Disney fail, thanks Epcot). I came upon a rude awakening when I spent the last few weeks living in a place that literally mirrored New York City. But who’s complaining 😉 


Now for some enjoyment for the eyes and ears 🙂