Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. With nearly 1.8 billion muslims, this religion is no longer isolated to the Middle East. There are followers of Islam everywhere in the world. This means, that for those in global missions, we must be prepared to encounter, and engage, muslims with the Gospel.
While there are critical differences between Islam and Christianity, there are also similarities that can be used to build bridges between us, as a way to initiate conversation rather than debate.
Did you know?
– Jesus is described in the Qur’an as the “Spirit of God”, “Word of God”, and even “Messiah”
– Jesus is the only person in the Qur’an described as having been sinless
– Muslims are instructed to read the New Testament and spend time with Christians
– Many of our Old Testament stories and prophets are the same in the Qur’an
Over the course of the last few months, I have had the opportunity to teach on this. To help missionaries understand this fast-growing religion and how the Gospel is completely relevant to them. To prepare them to have conversations about Jesus with a muslim that doesn’t result in argument and hostility. Think about this: Jesus spent the first 30 years of his life learning how to be a Jew, before spending the next 3 years of his life ministering to Jews. We can learn something from this. Preparation and understanding is important!
The result is beautiful. Remember what happened when Jesus was speaking with the Samaritan woman in John 4? He was Jewish. She was Samaritan. They were from competing religions, but through Jesus’ understanding of her religion and what she believes, He was able to point her to Himself, and their conversation ended with the woman running back to her village to compel her community to come and meet this man.
When done properly, and with the mission in mind, what happens when Islam meets Christianity? The Holy Spirit moves, Jesus is revealed, and Kingdom happens. But let me be clear, I don’t want a muslim to simply replicate my cultural Christianity. God’s desire is that a muslim would replicate Jesus.
So far this year, I have had the privilege of teaching over 400 people, preparing them for their mission. To continue having this opportunity to prepare and mobilize people to the nations, I need to meet my support goal that is quickly approaching – September 30. Would you join my team by clicking the ‘Donate’ button to the left? I need to raise about $1,100 by the end of September. Thank you so much!