Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord. – Ephesians 5:22


Not exactly the verse that comes to mind when you think of the World Race, is it? Well, this has basically been my mind-set these past 16 months. Let me explain…


Cody and I were accepted into the World Race July 2012. Two route deferments and lack of support by family and friends who don’t believe this is a wise decision, can cause a girl to doubt whether or not God has truly called you to the radical abandonment known as the World Race.


I did not feel that the Lord had given me personal confirmation about this mission trip… we had felt called to 2 countries in previous routes:






Our first route (Jan. 2013) had me

excited for the ministry in Thailand.

I could feel my heart break and would get

passionate with the idea of being able to

minister to victims of human trafficking… and

then we had to defer. Bummer.







The next route we chose (July 2013) included Turkey. This was exciting

because when we were looking through the different routes for July this

country’s name had literally lit up to me. I prayed about it before

bringing it up to Cody. He surprised me by responding with, “Really?! Me

too!” So we felt that the Lord wanted us to go to Turkey… and then we

had to defer. Bigger Bummer.




The third route included neither, but we decided on it because of the multiple persecuted countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, and India. (Cody has a heart for the persecuted church.)


This is where the doubt set in. Why would God call us to these countries just to have us defer? Maybe He didn’t call us after all. So began my journey of asking the Lord for confirmation. It never came… but my husband’s did.


Ephesians 5:22 came right to my mind and despite the many “Babe, are you sure we are supposed to be doing this?” moments of doubt, Cody stayed true to this calling. I felt that I had no choice but to follow him in this endeavor… and besides, why wouldn’t God want us to do it? Money? Not a good enough reason! And it would be pretty cool to visit all these countries. So I just held on to our motto: If God wants it to happen it will, because He will provide.


And He did.

We raised enough support to make it to Training Camp.


Training Camp was amazing and I learned so much about myself and my relationship with God. I remember thinking one morning “If this is as far as You take us , Father I will be content.”


Little did I know what was coming…


Our squad was called into a meeting after worship that evening. We were told that we had a “route change”. Everyone started hooting and hollering… except me. My first thought was “No, Lord. Not again.” But I instantly thought of Proverbs 3:5:


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.


So I waited. “Your new route includes…”



Bam! Confirmation!!


When he said Thailand, I got teary-eyed but when he said Turkey, I started crying… “Lord, you gave us back Thailand and Turkey and to make it even sweeter, You saved ALL the countries we had wanted.”


That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is the God that we serve!!


We hadn’t prayed for that or even thought of it. The trip would have been amazing without those two countries, but just because He can the Lord served them up to us on a silver platter.


Without a doubt or hesitation, I can now say we are right where He wants us… and we will be here for the long-haul. Not just 3 months or 6 months, ALL 11. I am so excited to see how creative the Lord will get in providing us the financial support needed.

Our God is an Awesome God!


We are still looking for monthly sponsors. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us to share the “Good News” to the world. Please contact us through the “Contact Us” Link


Donate through the “Empower Us” Link.

Thank you for allowing the Lord to work through you by supporting and praying for us. Blessings!