It's 1:30 a.m. local time and my team just arrived in Dobromirka, Bulgaria.  We spent the past 9 days in Slevin cleaning toilets (for 600 camp participants) and fellowshipping with a young adult group from a local church.  During the camp, we slept in our tents, took bucket showers and spent late nights praying and praising during church services.  What an honor and privilege it was to serve these people!  

I will post more later, but wanted to check in because I didn't have internet service for the past week or so.  Also, I just received a $300 donation to my World Race account!  That means I am only $2,500 short for my next deadline on October 1st.  Please help me continue spreading Jesus' love around the world by making a tax-deductible donation.  Every dollar is important.  I'll be back in touch soon!