[It's August 10, 2013. 10:33AM. I am in Mbarara, Uganda sitting on the couch in our contacts house. My computer is dead. My phone has 9% battery left. And my iPod is about to die. I have resorted to writing this blog in the journal I purchased in Bulgaria. We have no electricity. No running water. We do our business while squatting over a hole in a cement slab. And we wash our hands and bodies in water that has to be carried from a well down the road. Welcome to "Real Life Africa".]

We woke up, ate breakfast, took a quick squat, and brushed our teeth. After a short prayer we headed to ministry. 

"Door-to-door" our pastor told us. Little did we expect to hang out at the Corner Bar.

As soon as we walked into the general area, the atmosphere changed. We were taken into the dining area where they told us to "come sit". Pastor Solomon was our translator. On one side of the bar were the Mzungus– Americans. And on the other side were the bar owner, a man sipping on a drink, and prostitutes who lived at the bar.

And so, we introduced ourselves. We told them about the awesome love of Jesus and the good news to the Gospel. Heads nodded but there was an evident hesitation. One man was asking questions just for the sake of arguing. The other seemed to be interested in what the Lord had to offer. The hearts of the women were doing somersaults as Marianne spoke life into/over them.

After two hours of sharing our hearts, the question was asked:
"Who would like to accept Christ into your heart or rededicate your life for Christ?"

Out of the 11 Ugandans in the bar with us only two remained seated. We prayed, invited them to church and for tea, gave hugs, and headed out. Whether they were serous about their choice, only the Lord knows. But a victory was won.

Maybe the size of the victory and the bitterness of the battle are related. 
Maybe the enemy fights hardest where he fears most.

So it was that the Lord led us through one of the more difficult days of ministry. When the attacks came from Satan, God saw to it that no damage was done.