1. Been attacked by leeches

  2. Had to legitimately watch our steps for King Cobra snakes

  3. Ridden in a sleeper train

  4. Spent Christmas away from home

  5. Had to clean rat poop off our kitchen table daily

  6. Slept in a tent inside to keep rats off of us at night

  7. Been to church in a closed country

  8. Been to an illegal church service

  9. Lived in the jungle

  10. Lived with monkeys in our front yard

  11. Made only homemade decorations for Christmas

  12. Made only homemade gifts for Christmas

  13. Gone to a Christmas service where the pastor thanked the hunters for the food

  14. Fertilized palm trees

  15. Eaten wild boar

  16. Eaten Chinese food for Christmas Dinner

  17. Fixed a big water pump

  18. Built a pump house out of second hand materials in the middle of the jungle

  19. Built stage props for a nativity (including a wooden stable)

  20. Spent Christmas morning with 150 + kids

  21. Played Mary and Joseph in a Christmas Play

  22. Preached to a Chinese congregation

  23. Been to Singapore

  24. Attended Joseph Prince's Church

  25. Performed an impromptu Christmas cantata which included, by request, songs such as “Home Home on the Range” and “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” (it's a long story)

  26. Had chicken feet as a dish for Christmas Eve dinner

  27. Lived in a predominately Muslim community

  28. Eaten dinner while evening Muslim prayers are blaring in the background

  29. Seen the oppression firsthand of Muslim women and was so thankful for freedom in Christ

  30. Shown Muslims love instead of fear and hatred

  31. Personally spent time with Christians who are putting their lives and family at risk to spread the gospel