This month has probably been one of the most challenging months because I had no idea what to expect from this month, but now it is approaching the end of the month my mind still can not believe all that I had seen and experience. And I can not believe that this has past by so fast, that I am almost in month 5 of the World Race.

Nepal has been an interesting month in the matter that we were told we were working with the anti-trafficking program and here we are in Nepal, and we did one program where we had over 120 people from different villages come and hear what we had to share. One of our team mates was the one who shared about what i trafficking and what all that entails.

That was a one time thing at the moment, but most of this month has been hiking to near and far villages sharing the Word of God and encouraging fellow believers. Basically we have been living out the book of Acts in Nepal, which was awesome because I read that book before coming to Nepal, and there was joy. So much joy traveling to these far villages whether it was a 45 minute hike or 3 hour hike, it was worth it to see my brother or sister in Christ.

Now that 3 hour hike was probably the biggest one our team had encountered, but what a privilege that we experienced that on Good Friday. The day that our Lord carried the cross up the hill was the same day we climbed the biggest hill to reach the church at the top.

IT WAS HARD, at some points it felt more like a rock climb, than a hike, and my body was so tired. But by His grace the moments I wanted to complain, or even the feelings of wanting to give up. He gave me the strength to look around and see His beauty and His glory, and it reminded me of what this was all about. It is all about Him.

When we arrived at the church we rejoiced and hugged each other and laughed because we all were so sweaty, but we did it!

This was also the day that I felt the Lord leading me to speak this church and encourage them and what a day for it. When I sat at the service my heart was filled with joy, so much joy. This was what Paul was talking about when he was talking about the love He had for His brothers and sisters in Christ at the churches.

The Lord has been so good in showing our team more and more that He will provide us His strength and He will show us more and more who He is.

I want to thank you all again for your prayer and support. I am so blessed and thankful to have such amazing people in my life to encourage and strengthen me.