“We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

They say, “It takes a village to raise a child,” and I have come to realize that it also takes a village to send a missionary out into the mission field. I have been encouraged by so many of you over the past few months, and I cannot thank you enough for your prayers and kind words. I know I am being called to build a community of supporters who will learn and  grow with me in faith throughout this journey. This blog is my support letter which explains my decision to go on the World Race, as well as how you can join my mission through prayer and financial support! I cannot wait to share this life-altering experience with all of you!


Dear Friends and Family,

I hope this letter finds you well! After graduating from LSU last May, I began my one-year tenure as a Leadership Development Consultant for Kappa Delta Sorority. As I began to plan my future, I got that all too familiar feeling that I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Every career I considered or plan I made left me feeling more uncertain than before. Then, over Christmas break I was introduced to a missionary program called The World Race, and I knew that this was a detour that God wanted me to take. His plan for me is one that I cannot deny, so I said yes to his calling.

The World Race is an 11 month mission trip in which I will travel to 11 countries sharing the love of God with His people. I will be leaving the first week of July and will return in May 2015. My team and I will travel to Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Swaziland, Botswana, and South Africa. During my travels, I will be working in orphanages, ministering to the sick and the homeless, teaching English, and sharing the redemptive love of God with those who need it most. I will be sleeping in a tent, carrying all of my belongings in a backpack, living in true community with my teammates, and learning a lot about myself along the way.

You may be asking, “What does this have to do with me?” Well, at 22 with very few obligations, I am at a place in my life where this is possible. I am so excited to go on this journey, but I know am not being called to do it alone. I want to share my experience with you. If fact, I don’t want it to be my experience, I want it to be OURS. As I pray about my mission, I get the same answer over and over again. Let go of my independence and submit to the community that God calls us to embrace. I want you to travel the world with me so that every child I comfort, hand I hold, and meal I serve will not be my victory but our victory as a community in Christ.

There are 2 ways that you can travel the world with me and share God’s love with the nations:

1)      Pray for me! Pray with me!

  • During this journey I will be praying constantly for the people I am ministering to and asking God to use me to fulfill his desires. I would be humbled if you would commit to joining my mission by praying for me that I will be open to whatever God asks me to do; and also praying with me, that the people I meet will be open to receiving the love of God that my teammates and I hope to share.


2)      Support my World Race financially!

  • Traveling for 11 months is expensive. I have been hesitant to ask for financial support, but I know that God desires a community of interdependence. The fact that I cannot accomplish this by myself reminds me over and over again that this mission is not for me to be proud or fulfilled; it is for His glory alone. He wants my friends and family to get to share in this experience as active participants so that we all might see more clearly his overwhelming love.

Please prayerfully consider supporting my World Race, and know that I will be thinking of you and praying for you throughout my journey. If you choose to support my mission in any way please see the information below for more details!

May God bless you and your family abundantly,


Adrienne Simon



Considering supporting me on The World Race!


  • If you would like to support me in prayer please add my mission to your prayer list. If you would like more information feel free to call or email me. I am constantly comforted by all of the encouragement from all of my friends and family. Thank you all so much!


  • If you would like to support me by making a monetary donation, here are the details…
    • The World Race is a ministry through Adventures in Missions a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1989 that has sent over 100,000 people into the mission field. For more information visit their website at www.adventures.org.
    • All donations to the World Race through Adventures in Missions are tax-deductible.
    • My mission costs $16,252, which includes meals, lodging, air, land, and sea travel, international travel insurance, administrative costs, set-up costs, and training camp costs.
    • I am starting to raise support now, and I will continue to do so during my mission journey. Below are my fundraising deadlines.
      • May 2nd, 2014 – $3,500
      • June 20th, 2014 – $7,500
      • October 1st, 2014 – $11,000
      • January 1st, 2015 – $16,252 (fully funded)


Here is how to give:

1)      Send a check by mail:

  • Please make the check payable to Adventures in Missions and write Appealed by Adrienne Simon in the memo line.
  • Please fill out the fundraising card included with this letter and place it in the envelope with your check. This card ensures that you will receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation.
  • Mail the check to:

Adventures in Missions

PO Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570


2)      Donate online:

  • You may donate online by going to my blog at adriennesimon.theworldrace.org and clicking on the Support Me tab on the left hand side. There is a 3% processing fee added to all online donations.



                                                                               Thank You!