This is my brief testimony. It’s hard summarizing or synthesizing everything good God has done for me since He has always been so good, but I’ll take my shot.

I’m a 27 years old costarican industrial engineer that works at a local bank, leader in the central america region and I am a son of God. It has not always been that way though. Five years ago I was still a college student contending for my licensed degree in engineering, totally inmersed in the world. I was somewhat addicted to videogames, I loved smoking weed and to go out to party with my friends. After a really awkward time in high school (I had a really low self esteem due to my weight and introversion), I now was sort of living the dream, at leat my dream. The really amazing thing is that God’s grace and goodness were already after me.

Three years into the most wordly lifestyle I could sustain, the Spirit of God led me into His presence and brought repentance into my heart. I was made new that night. I had never cried like that before in my life nor have I ever felt so free and joyful before. This was four years ago and ever since He has not left me nor forsaken me. Instead of doing so, He has build me up and has taught me to walk with Him. Even though my learning process has been slow and painful, He has been patient and comforting to an extent I didn’t think possible. His love towards me (and all of His sons and daughters) really has no limits.

In these four years He has given me a steady job and abundant grace in it. He has restored broken relations within my family turning them into healthy ones. He has healed my heart and brought freedom over many addictions and lies I was bound to. He has given me a wonderful girlfriend with whom to seek Him even more passionately. He has given me the honor of serving His church and teaching His word and His ways. He has lead me to share His love with the less fortunate and to care for them and He has shown me just the tip of the iceberg of the power contained in His Spirit which is for us to take hold of to advance His Kingdom. All this in the midst of my rebellions, tantrums, unfaithfullness, disobedience and unbelief. I just can’t get my mind around such an inmense God of love (and I hope I never fully will).

Now I’m embarked in this adventure that is in the heart of my Father for me. He has been telling me about it and preparing me for it for quite a while even though it is until now that I have begun to understand and to connect the dots. Many promises hang over this trip and I am eager to see God fulfill and excel everyone of them because that is who He is, a promise keeper and an aboundant giver of Himself. I pray that everyone of us, His children, get to experience Him more and more every day and to step out in faith knowing that He is faithful and He cannot deny Himself.