We wanted to give our family, friends, supporters, and biggest fans a little update on our trip. We are a mere TWO months from leaving the country and are growing ever more excited/slightly nervous with each passing day. Training camp starts in just over two weeks and we share similar emotions about that. We will be meeting the team that we will work and live with for the year. Please pray for unity and fellowship! There are so many unknowns about this trip. It can be a tad overwhelming at times. We are learning to rest in the knowledge that the Lord is our Heavenly Father, He will always be with us, and He desires good for us! And it's awesome!
I only have a week and a half of work left and Myers has decided to work a week after our training is complete but we are definitely beginning to realize how little time we have left in our current routines. Both of our jobs have been great with the news of our trip, which is an answered prayer! We work with lots of incredible people and we will certainly miss them when we leave.
We also decided to rent our house instead of sell it. We had a lot of unsettled feelings about trying to sell and then a sense of peace when we decided on renting. We had a sign in our yard for about four hours before the rental company called to say that someone wanted to see the house the next day! And it's now officially rented! Glory!

Financially, we have been absolutely blown away by the support we have received.  You all have given so generously and sacrificially. Thank you so very much! Raising support is a very humbling experience and we are incredibly grateful for those of you who have partnered with us. We are thrilled to report that we are just over 75% funded with what is currently in our account and 87% funded when we factor in our monthly donations. What a blessing the body of Christ is! We hope you will continue to pray about supporting us financially.
This Sunday, we will be speaking to our Sunday school class about our trip and missions in general. We will also be speaking at our home church on June 2 during the evening service. We both love speaking in public forums so much. But not really. Pray for us as we share our hearts and what the Lord is doing in our lives.
In other news, our niece, Hazel, made her debut on April 5, a whole month early! Thankfully, she is the picture of health and we are excited for an extra month of cuddle time with her before we leave.
We are looking forward to getting to spend some time with family and friends during June! Please feel free to contact us with any comments or questions! Thank you so much for supporting us in this journey!