We gave Them space to move, and they showed Themselves in a BIG way.

The past few days we have split the squad in two and went separate ways. One half went south towards the jungle, and we went west towards the MOUNTAINS!! (They were amazing and gorgeous, but that’s for another blog.)

Our half of the squad took place in mostly prayer and encouragement ministry. One day we took a bus to the top of Bandipur, which is a local Nepal lookout of the mountains. We had planned to go to the lookout and pray together over the local town and the entire valley below. Also on top of Bandipur was a small church who’s pastor was a very good friend of our guide and brother in Christ, Dillip. We stopped into this church to meet the pastor, to worship with out group, and to encourage the pastor to keep working in this area. It is a local Hindu Hotspot which isn’t the most kind to our fellow followers of Christ.

As we worshipped one of my squad mates (Klancy Kate Baker) stood up and gave the idea that we need to be quiet and still and allow the Holy Spirit and God time to speak to us. After a few moments another squad mate (Abby Thornburg) told us she had a vision.

Her vision was for the pastor and his family. It was of rain. During this rain, some people went out to dance in it and some stayed behind. She mentioned how the rain to some seems like a bad thing. But the rain, like God’s Word, falls and nourishes the soil or our souls. The rain is a good thing. As soon as, and I mean the second, she finished speaking there came a long rumble of THUNDER! We all got chills because we knew it was a perfectly sunny day out when we stepped into that church just minutes before. We all knew it was a confirmation from God. About thirty seconds later we heard it upon the tin roof of the church. At first just one, then two, then three, and it set in. It was RAIN! Just as Abby had seen we got up and went to praise the Lord in this sudden rain. It only lasted about two minutes, followed by an amazing blue, sunny sky, but it was enough of an confirmation for us.

Give the Spirit and the God room to speak in your life and They will! It may not always be as BOLD as this, but They will show Themselves.

Please continue in prayer for us always. Pray for my squad, my team, and me as we travel to our next country tomorrow. Two countries down, nine (possible twelveish) to go! Love yall.

God Bless

PS go follow Klancy’s and Abby’s blogs. They’re awesome!!
