For weeks I had been nervously planning this event.

Contacting bands, working out the details, and telling friends and family.

Last Tuesday, the big fundraising day arrived!

And I was feeling overwhelmed.


A local restaurant (AKA my current employers) had agreed to host a concert for the evening- with a percent of the proceeds going towards my World Race fund.

The time came, I had set-up some displays, welcomed the bands, and waited patiently.

Feelings of doubt and anxiety ran through my head.  And then, people arrived.

Friends came, Family walked in!

Suddenly, I looked around and realized the restaurant was completely filled!

I talked, I laughed, I listened to some incredible music, and I was completely floored by the generosity I felt that night, even from those I had least expected. I was humbled


When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble is wisdom. (Proverbs 11:2)”


Humility is something I have felt whilst raising support. I have never felt worthy of the donations, or even worthy to be a missionary.


That night, I felt enormously humble. I was thankful beyond what I had expected and filled with SO MUCH love.


I could feel Christ working around me, I could feel His love shining through the interactions with my friends and my family- with those I just met and my co-workers.

I could see him smiling.

I could feel his hand providing.

I knew he was there among the generosity.

I felt loved, I felt worthy, I felt gratitude.

There was a point during the night, as people were encouraging me and handing donations, that I had to step away to the bathroom.

So overwhelmed with all He was doing, I needed a minute to take it all in, to be thankful, and to you know cry a bit (I’m a girl y’all).


That night, I could see that this trip wasn’t about me at all, it was about so much more than I could ever do alone.


Every person there was part of my next year. Every person there is coming with me.

Raising support has provided me with this incomparable opportunity to witness the coming together of a community. A community of supporters who believe in this mission and are joining with a common goal.

Unwilling to do nothing, willing to step-up.


We CAN change the world.

And through him, this next year is becoming reality. (WWWHHHAAAA????)


Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all who came out and supported. You Rock.

Here are some pictures from the night!





I am still in need of support and encouragement!

You can donate here: DONATE