Ministry Contacts At Last!!
The main ministry contact I will be working with in Thailand is the FREE BURMA RANGERS. This was not the original plan, but it is so cool to see how God works! I actually met with this contact during a short visit I made to Chiang Mai in February of 2011 while I was on the World Race. I was inspired to write several blogs on them that I have recently reposted if you want to check them out!
FBR as they are also known, has huge influence in Burma. The founder, Dave Eubank goes on missions throughout Burma to bring food, supplies, medical care, and hope to the ethnic people fleeing from the oppressive military junta. FBR is mainly made up of ethnic leaders and volunteers who are trained in several areas including medical care and vow to protect the ethnic minorities during attacks/ to bring relief.
When I arrive in Chiang Mai I am hoping to just help FBR with any needs they have. I may do some administrative work for them from time to time, but am mostly planning to work at a Burmese youth hostel teaching English and doing devotionals for the kids a few days a week. 🙂
I am so excited for these Amazing ministry opportunities in thailand!
(My World Race team and some Thai friends visiting the Free Burma Rangers in Feb 2011)
In addition to FBR, I will be partnering with several other organizations on a weekly basis as well. I have felt called to just “do life” and love on people over there so there will be some ministry variety. Here are some other organizations I have been speaking with and plan to volunteer with regularly.
Free Burma Rangers (as described above)
Remember Nhu: a children’s home in Chiang Mai that takes in children that are at-risk for being sold into the sex trade industry. Working with them will include spending time with the kids and helping with construction of a new home.
YWAM Lighthouse in action: Working with the Love Acts branch that reaches out to women and lady boys working in the bars in the red-light district.