When I hear the words "Training Camp," I think of USMC Boot Camp stories told to me as a little girl. There is a reason that I didn't join the military, and that is one of them.  Trying to go into this next week with an excitement and expectation of "Summer Camp" (a grown-up version).  But if I'm honest, I'm totally intimidated.

Last night was the first time I've ever slept in a tent.  It was indoors, but whatever.  "I'm just practicing," I told myself.  Tossing and turning most of the night to wake up with my sleeping pad halfway out the door, liner completely flipped upside down, freezing.  At this point I'm thinking this is not going to go well.  

Tonight it only took me 19 mins. to "set up camp", compared to last night, over an hour.  Receiving Most Improved in almost every sport tried, I'm pretty sure this will likely be the same.  The thing that intimidates me more than my lack of camping skills, is what the Lord is going to do in and through me over the next 7 days.  

I've heard stories of Racers being completely wrecked the first couple nights of training.  Nervous about what the Lord is going to bring to the surface, I've wracked my brain to come up with something "good" to share when it's finally my turn to dish… nothing.  I haven't struggled with anything that would make for an amazing turn around testimony.  Been walking the straight and narrow most of my life.  Praise God!

The night before leaving for camp, a dear friend reminded me that each of our stories is unique and special to the one who it's been written.  So it doesn't matter what my story is, it's a powerful one, that has shaped me to be what and where I am today… 24 hours away from training for the next chapter in my story, World Race!  Prayers appreciated  🙂