This month we are staying at a pastor’s house where he and his Family of 3 kids, 1 niece and his wife also live. (She feeds us well) I feel like I am living in the movie Swiss Family Robinsion. I get to live in a “Tree house” Where my sleeping pad is getting some good use out of it, the most it’s seen since Africa! We have Ducks, Geese, Chickens, Dogs, and Cats roaming around us. OH and the pigs out in the back in the pens. We get to ride in a tuk tuk everyday to his church to pretty much love on some of the cutest kids you will ever see!

After being here only one week, I know that this month is going to be hard to leave. The kids have already stolen my heart (shocker! I know) We get to teach basic English to them, bible stories, random little kids songs. Pretty much have a lot of fun.

We also have get to go do house visits and pray or those in the village. We haven’t done it as much as the teaching part, but in the next few weeks we will get to do more.


Some funny/interesting things about this month.


  1. One of the first things my contact said to me was that I have Chinese eyes… apparently the joke about all the rice you eat will turn your eyes into Chinese eyes is true.
  2. A rooster likes to wake us up at 3am, even though we don’t need to get up until 5:45am… so that rooster at training camp was really trying to help us prepare for month 9 in Cambodia.
  3. The geese think they are all high and mighty… they also like to help wake us up.
  4. Somehow a lizard got under our mosquito net, I somehow got nominated to catch it.
  5. The cat came walking around in our room one night.. We are still not sure how that happened
  6. The pigs make you think someone is dying when it is feeding time.
  7. I’ve seen lots of naked babies/kids this month running around.
  8. We have seen chickens being cleaned and then had chicken for dinner. Talk about farm to table.
  9. The first morning I was asked by a teammate if this is what it is like in Kansas waking up to the sounds of all the animals.
  10. Cambodian kids think farting is funny… I was sitting by a bunch of boys and I look over because they’re laughing and all holding their nose… and then it hit me in the face… stinky!


This month has been really great so far, pray for health as we are out in the middle of a village.

I am also still trying to raise funds to get back to Kansas once we get back to America. I know you all joked about getting me funded just enough to not get me back home..anyways I hope you were joking. J It is looking like it will cost me about $400. If you would like to help in one way or another you can email me at [email protected] or donate through paypal Get Amanda back to Kansas

I will most likely not have internet again until around the 24th or 25th but I will get back to you when I do have internet. Thank you all!

Also here is video that I am in on a very long train ride.

Mulan from Cori Ward on Vimeo.