I wanted to hear Him speak audibly to me. I wanted Him to reveal His answer to me as I slept that night through a vision. What He gave me was a literal sign and He spoke through my friend who didn’t even realize the effectiveness and perfect timing of what she said.

                                                  Two nights ago I had asked God what exactly He wanted me to do for the next five months of my life, until the summer. I love painting scripture and signs to bring encouragement to others, but could I really make money from my paintings to sell and fundraise? Were they even good enough, I thought to myself. What would people think?

                                                  So I prayed to God to answer my prayer, “God do you want me to continue painting, or am I wasting my time. Do you want me to get a job? Lord just please speak to me, reveal to me what you want me to do!” I went to bed, no audible answer, and no vision as I slept. Yet as I awoke for the day to go to the river with my three friends and one of my friend’s dad, many things were unfolding and happening in the lives of the ones I cared about that grabbed my attention.

                                                  My friend has been going through something’s and we were there to encourage her in her walk with Christ. As we got to the river we parked in a gravel area surrounded by cement barriers. We walked around and as we came back to the truck, my friend who’s going through a lot said, “Alyssa, it’s a sign from God. Never Quit Painting”.





                                                God speaks through people and He gave me this sign. All the other cement blocks had inappropriate sayings on them but the most random thing someone could have ever written, in the middle of nowhere was exactly the answer I needed to hear and the literal sign I needed to see. “Never Quit Painting”. Literally out of all of the places we could have gone that day, out of all of the things those who graffiti could have said, they said those words. It wasn’t random, it wasn’t coincidence, it was a sign from God. GOD IS SO GOOD TO US!!! I really just felt such peace in my spirit to tell this story of how God hears our cries. But still this isn’t the only prayer I’ve seen answered since I got accepted and the assurance from God to go on the World Race, soooo many answered prayers, God loves us so much and cares for us so much. So undeserved but He is gracious and merciful. Our God really is a good good Father. I LOVE YOU JESUS!!!