As much as I would love to give you all a detailed up date and some extra fluff info right here I won’t. Statistics tell me that people don’t read long blog posts and I have a very specific matter on hand. 


(Drumroll please….)




I am currently 7 months in to my 11 month journey and I still have about $5000 to raise in order to continue my time here on the Race. I have gained so much from the past months and I’m very excited for what the future months hold. In March my mom will get the opportunity to join my group and I in Guatemala with about 30 other parents who will serve along side us for a week. Needless to say I’m not ready for any of this to be over so I need your help!


I should have been more diligent with raising support sooner but I use to view it as a burden on others and the Lord has spoken to me time and time again other wise. 


You see I know that God will provide and I know that he could put the money in my account over night but at the same time he is not a genie. He has proven to me through the single monthly supporter that I have that it’s not about me. Yes I benefit from the money given but I am merely a 3rd party recipient.  The money is truly being given to God. It is his and he has chosen me to distribute it to in this case. I shouldn’t feel ashamed for others obedience to God.


Also a good friend once gave a gift I didn’t feel worthy of so I turned it down. He made a point to see that I received it and taught me the importance of receiving gifts with grace out of respect for the one who finds us worthy of such gifts. 


I am trying to put these lessons into practice even though it’s not easy. 


With all of that said. Please know that any amount is helpful… literally any. Know that your money goes to supporting me as well as the families and ministries I stay with. Your money can help supply small Cambodian house schools with new English books or a shelter of the disabled with a new kitchen for their residents. I don’t mean to pull heart strings I just want to provide a clear picture of how you are helping. 


Finally I want to give a big thank you to th one who have supported already.  You have provided me and many others with experiences we will never forget. 


All donations are tax deductible. You can donate by selecting the support me tab on the home page of my blog. Please prayerfully consider how you can help even by passing this along to someone you know who might want to donate. 


Thanks again


Peace and joy,

